
Apparently it means leave on 25 percent of your makeup (at least in Kim's world_ and wear glasses. See, if you wear glasses, that cancels out the remaining makeup.

What the ever loving fuck is that article holy shit

Dr. Lee’s post pertained to personal correspondence between her and an editor at Biology-Online about a possible assignment for that network.

There is a massive disconnect between DiChristina's initial tweeted explanation for removing the post, and her later, more comprehensive explanation.

Really, the "my phone died" excuse?

When they leave "science" articles like this one up? If there is a stated and consistent standard, that is one thing. This is something else.

In the 45 years since he first posed the question, the answer to Malcolm X's query "What do they call a black person with a PhD?" has not changed.

Mmm, big difference when you are just a commenter...

So, I am a person that points out the issues with jezebel and their dealing/lack of dealing with the issues that face POC and WOC.

Correction, NE is an "at will" state. YOur explanation was correct but the phrase was not.

so............ we should feel bad for the guy that's going to lose his job for assaulting a customer? da fuck?

Dear survivor of sexual assault by 24 Hour Fitness: You can hire a lawyer to sue these evil SOBs FOR FREE. Hire a lawyer, a good lawyer. Use (standard ref book of U.S. lawyers) to find a good personal injury lawyer in your state who has experience in cases of sexual assault. Personal injury lawyers

NE is a right to work state - they don't need a reason to fire him. As long it isn't for a race/religion/gender reason. But what really stumps me is this - they have limited liability for her attack but are opening themselves up for a massive settlement/judgment for the next woman this douche canoe attacks. This whole

She has at least a 3 year statute to sue 24 hour fitness for personal injury and I hope her claim has at least 6 zeros attached to it. Make those fuckers bleed.

Oh my god if that isn't the truest statement in the world.

And everyone else who needs help or needs their job can do.....what exactly? The US doesn't negotiate with terrorists. Even the elected kind. And that is exactly what those people are. Using the NIH as a bargaining chip doesn't make them look any better.

This is the best piece I've seen on Jezebel in a long time. Loli could have been any one of us. There is no thirteen year old who isn't a potential Loli. Reading this and actually knowing someone in real life who is in prison for consuming images of fourteen/fifteen year olds all I can think is that he deserves every

Jessica Evans, née Smith, got married in 2009 and has two children, after dropping out of Saddleback Community College in Orange County. Her husband looks suspiciously like Jason. Her Twitter account is the most boring thing ever. In other words, she's exactly where you'd expect her to be.

I live in Canada & pay $70 per month which covers any medical clinic, MRI, Xray, hospital stay, operation such as heart transplants, pacemakers, all chemo treatments, kidney transplants & the cost of those organs & medications while in the hospital.Our health care plan pretty much covers everything, I can opt out any

Do we need to know her as a "Mom"— how about just as a person?