
I cheddar the world and the feta cheese, everybody's looking for Stilton!

Well played.

Lenny in Paris. (deep sigh)

We were at a wedding once and dude next to us took a YOOGE piece of what he thought was cheesecake but in reality was baked brie. Expression with the first mouthful: priceless. many selfies that make me feel uncomfortable.

Sweet dreams are made of cheese - who am I to dis a Brie?

All I can say to this man is: GET. IT.

Your bf sounds super smart and cool. This article was as funny as I expected and just as insightful!

A few years ago, I worked for a very large corporation located in the industrial part of Compton. At that time, our company brought a lot of revenue into the city and the owner and CEO were heavily involved in community outreach programs, as well as several charities. It was sad when our billion dollar company decided

I love watching people pop huge pimples and/or blackheads :3

I just wanted them to have better tools. The tweezer was ineffective and the needle needed a scoopier end. ALSO: HORK

deffo thought Hayden fell in love with a boxer dog. I was all like, "me too, girl!"

Speaking of the clutch article, can we mention the fact that, despite the fact that the headlines are almost WORD FOR WORD identical, the first mention of clutch is in the comments of this article? Seems kind of tacky considering the whole #solidarityisforwhitewomen debacle and all.

I've noticed that as well, first SIFWW now this. I like Erin though and I respect her for sticking her neck out. I don't respect Jez for not having Doug do it.

The RAINN addition is great as well as a more lengthy take on other examples of male rape in the media. It was also great that you covered the lack of empathy by writers and commenters. However NOT referring to ONE of the Jez/Gawker articles is just begging the question and opening up for more Jez hate. If expanding

Oh Erin, we all knew you'd do a good job delving into this issue. It's just that, there were at least two articles up in the past few days here and another GM outlet. And gurl. They were not good. And sure, Gawker and Rich J are what they are. I don't expect more than LOL CLICK COUNTS LOL TRAFFIC LOL COMMENTER RAGE

The comments on the Clutch article about Chris Brown's rape, is very interesting. Please take a look if you have the time.