
I think he means any research that uses safeguards against making shit up. You know like scientific method, academic rigour, peer review and all those other modern things he does not understand about the HURR DURR LIBRULS.

Not to mention, apparently fucking is anti-social behavior.

Actually, you seem to have misread the headline. It clearly states that the cancellation happened because no one cares, not that no one cares about the cancellation. "Readers" indeed!

He's right, it really is a journalistic pile-on, overshadowing the shutdown. I KNEW the Post website looked different today!

What is "liberal social science research"? I didn't learn such a thing in grad school.

I read a lot of Jezebel articles, and this is the first time I've literally seen red after reading a sentence in quite a while (which is kind of sad in itself): "as if in the era of women's equality certain women are not to be held responsible for their anti-social behavior"

I would counter that it is the explosion of the 'bro' culture that has destroyed news. I have "proof." Nothing that actually matches, and correlation doesn't equal causation. But, I'm really sure. I apologize if anyone is dumb enough not to get it. Because it's so obvious. At least, it is to me after I've had a few

Could you provide sources and actual numbers for your statements? Because I find Jezebel readers to be some of the most informed folks out there. Bonus, they can also post amazing GIFs!

Personally, I wear a tweed jacket, lie on an armchair with a mohair throw on my lap, and sip a tumbler of expensive whisky whilst browsing the internet with (plain glass) spectacles on, so that I don't feel too unintellectual whenever I look at a gif. But tastes, of course, vary. :-)

Firstly, the deep and unrelenting lack of self-awareness in your post is thrilling. I have seen you post in numerous threads where it is clear that you bypassed reading the source material for the Jezebel piece or watching the imbedded videos and instead launched into a semi-related, yet entirely unfounded opinion.


The U Tube thing reminds me of my job at an iOS developer company when our old-business parent company CFO (and the company's lawyer) wrote us an email about "iToons". We died, right there on the spot.

I watched the Hugh Jackman video. Now, can anyone help me find my underwear? I swear I had them on a minute ago.

That's great that you have a graduate degree. I have a PhD in Immunology and Virology. Does that make me qualified to come to your classroom and tell you how I think your teaching style is bullshit? Am I qualified now to tell you how you're teaching a class of children wrong? Should I just pull my kids out of school

You need to work on your understanding of how the law works.

ALL sexual contact with 8 year olds is considered rape, because little kids can't consent to sex.

If you can't understand that, this guy will break it down for you

Children cannot legally consent to sex. Children cannot legally consent to sex. CHILDREN CANNOT LEGALLY CONSENT TO SEX!

Chris Brown has a singular talent for making it impossible to sympathize with him even if he’s recounting a vaguely traumatic incident from his childhood. You know, like that time he lost his virginity to teenage girl. When he was eight.

Please don't promote any comments which accuse him of lying. That's not how we treat potential victims of sexual assault round here y'all. Thanks!

So basically he's a survivor of childhood sexual assault. Unfortunately, like many male victims of childhood rape by an older woman or girl, he reframes it as a sign of how "macho" he is, rather than the assault it actually was.

I don't think this shows how he himself is unpleasant (though of course he really is quite the unpleasant person), but rather that he has internalized what was statutory rape.