
Do you think they're going to join together to make one great big super-husky? 'Cause that would be awesome!

They're too busy being attacked by polar bears. And sinking in quicksand. Duh.

Thank you! Like it's an inevitability?? More likely, "How to Handle Student Loan Debt."

Yeah I don't think that girl's series is complete. They forgot

The solution is to just have one book with all these tips. A lot of the girls' options already go hand in hand with the boys'.

That's nothing. My friend Romy and I invented Post-Its.

Yeah, honestly. That is not all experiences.

If he's a writer, that will come out. There will be ample evidence: other stories he's written, enrollment in creative writing classes.

Yes, it is just your experience. Stop using it to disenfranchise the experience of others you nitwit.

Mad Dog is the old man who proposes to you twice a week at the bus stop. :(

Oddly-named craft beer that comes in a can is the bearded funny guy who isn't your type at all but who always meets you at the subway station when you come over and turns out to be great at oral.

Absinthe taught english in eastern europe and got away with all sorts of shit in the early 1990's.

Porter shows up to dates on his fixie.

"He can barely handle me, and he's super-vanilla"

*Ahem*. A female Don Draper is called a Peggy Olson.


Katy Perry has nothing on Train for bad lyrics! How do you compete with: "your lipstick stains on the front side of your left side brain." Or maybe, "just a shy guy looking for a toe ply hefty bag to hold my love."

No, THIS is how babies work: