
Oh, Ashton Kutcher.

You think the lobbying group has a huge conflict of interest but you don't think that maybe the porn industry has a huge conflict of interest in saying that condoms don't make performers safer, considering that condoms would make porn less profitable?

The issue with her article is how she concludes. She has experienced racially based discomfort in Uganda, and then praises her "anonymous" life as a white person in the U.S, while seemingly ignoring the fact that non-white citizens experience racial discomfort everyday in the U.S. You'd think that her experiences in

So, I am going to ask this question as a black American woman who works in the field of International Development, has lived in several African countries, and has also lived in two South East Asian countries: what exactly is your issue with this article?

y u hate cuteness?!

I took dance from Patsy Swayze 15 years ago. She was a wonderful lady, and incredibly supportive of dancers of all sizes and abilities. I'm heartbroken to hear she's passed. Rest in Peace, Patsy. You will be missed.

I am face palming so hard right now.

It's so brave of them to come out and talk about this issue. There is so much stigma about sex work and HIV and for these performers to demand better of their industry is so important.

Here, you dropped this:

GinaMarie: I love hip-hop music. Sometimes they use that word — I have a big mouth, I'm Italian, I'm from New York; sometimes I might curse, sometimes I might say things. I don't think it's right for them to use the n-word in music. I know all different nationalities and religions. I'm influenced by all of that

No one thinks it's weird to attract attention by re-enacting the most memorable moment of your career at your younger, more successful, sister's wedding? Different strokes and all that - but in my family, that would be considered a faux pas, not a charming gesture.

I have very conflicted feelings when my kids watch the various High School Musicals - especially the third one. Complicated grown up feelings.

I hope Zac Efron really is recovering well and is finding healthy ways to deal with his personal/professional problems. All the hugs to him.

I just... ugh

And I weep that you do not call this the Marley defense.

No, I would be Blanche Devereaux.

I was listening to College Dropout and remembering a time (2005) where I loved Kanye. He could do not wrong. Now he is that awful cousin that I restrict and/or block on Facebook.

If I just let my Id run free, I would be Kanye. Admit it, a whole lot of you would be to.