
“I just love the fact that you’re so young."

Her pancake makeup is the biggest travesty of this whole story.

the russian 'clueless' bit was maybe my favourite thing you've done on jezebel in the last three years.

I hear many men actually get their catalog too.

You seriously think that a teenage girl is going to "[twist] reality and words" in a public declaration that someone told her she was too fat to shop in their store and leave, for what? The fun of being known to her schoolmates as the fat girl who was asked to leave Rue 21? I mean really, really?

Did you guys hear? You're allowed to buy shit for other people. I've been in Victoria Secrets before (I a male person) without being told there's nothing there for me.

Even if she was too big to wear their clothes, this is extra special anti-fat bias because she is also too big to wear their perfume, accessories, buy a gift for anyone, or look around. OR TO FUCKING ACCOMPANY HER FRIEND. Assuming it went down as she says it does (which, well, I believe her), this was such a

If I weren't married, I wouldn't turnip my nose at this. It's not that rad-ish. Lettuce remember that a peasful relationship often starts with two people who share the same raisin-d'être. So what if most people ham it up online? When it's time to talk turkey, they mayo find that can put all that crock behind them.

"no matter how consensual..."

I thought it was a reference to his lady length hair...

Except that yours was a lighter. Hers was a gun. You don't get to "forget" to unpack your handgun when you're traveling, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if she did it on purpose, either hoping she wouldn't get caught or that she could make some kind of crazypants statement about gun laws.

It doesn't matter what anyone's intent is in bringing a firearm to an airport. Just like statutory rape, this is a strict liability offense that merits charges every time it happens.

Personally I'd say a starter girlfriend is b) merely a first girlfriend.

More Saving. More doing. That's the power of The Home Depot.

This article defines my biggest fear. I've always been terrified that the guy I'm with is keeping me around as a placeholder until something better comes along. I HAVE to shed this mentality because I'm in a relationship with the most wonderful man I've ever met.

Weird. I was a starter husband. I wish I could have given it a name back then. We married just a few days after my high school graduation. I loved her so much that I kind of threw away everything in my life to get to be with her. A year later we were lying in bed and she rolled over and said she was leaving me.

The thing that's sad about this all is how consumerist it is. It sounds like trading in an old car for a new one. People aren't cars. They're people. Whenever we treat people like things we can buy at a store, we start treating ourselves like we're commodities too. It's really gross.

My partner and I were the first 'real relationship' we had. I was fourteen when I met him, he was sixteen. We're in our twenties now. It's weird to think that I could have been eight+ guys' 'starter girlfriend' by now if I lived somewhere other than the south. This is a trend among my peers-we meet someone while we're

What? She just really needed caulk.

It totally does, but I'm still not coming up with the title. When I was tweenage, I also preferred just 'A' fiction, but I volunteered at the library for years (nerrrrd) and one of the main jobs I had was reviewing new YA for the newsletter. Ended up plowing through a lot. I was definitely scrambling two different