
In a undergraduate Spanish course for heritage speakers we were required to reenact the Valladolid Debate, in Castellano, but as if it were occurring today. That's the one in 1550-1551 where they talked about whether or not Amerindian Native peoples were lesser beings and totally deserved to be conquered and murdered

She has a book?!!

The Jet corporate headquarters is right in downtown Chicago, and as a Chicagoan I'm extremely proud of that fact! What a great step forward, and just folding it in with the other announcements instead of being all HEY LOOK WHAT WE DID LOOK DID YOU SEE?! is the way to go! Congratulations to the incredibly

You're right, this isn't a racist issue. It's an anti-immigrant issue. Xenophobia! JUST AS BAD. The signs are disgusting.


...Yeah. Who goes to Italy and eats burgers?

The Nic Cage bit plus the news about Rihanna's hedonism plane has me thinking fondly of 'Con Air.'

Hi. Thank you. I am an American Jew who constantly has to put up with people assuming they know all about my politics and views regarding Israel and the Middle East crisis before I even open my mouth. They don't. Obviously. Hi, other people. I am completely opposed to many Israel's policies and all of its

Um. What is with the spelling of "Bon Jovi" in that excerpted article? First it was "Bongiovi" and then it became "Bonjiovi"...for a terrifying few seconds I thought the girl's name was "Bongiovi Bon Jovi." And then I found myself giggling whilst reading about a possible heroin overdose, and I resent that!

Okay. Enough with referring to the junior bigots as "children." They may be teenagers, but some of them are eighteen. I would argue that the seventeen-year-old ones are not children, either. Vile racism is unacceptable in a twenty-one-year-old but, oh, hey, give that eighteen-year-old some time to grow up and

Also...Thanksgiving is on the 22nd this year? What year is this video set in? It's on the 28th on her calendar. Yes, I know that is a ridiculously small detail, but I honestly do not know what to say or think at the moment considering I just watched it for the first time.

Really wonderful organic lube. Lots of ladies only let organic pass their lips but don't consider organic options when it comes to...their other lips. I swear, that was completely off-the-cuff. Actually, I would get that gift for anyone. And I don't have a solid opinion about the whole debate surrounding the usage

Oh, and then of course I pull a "their" rather than a "there." Judgement rescinded. Still want a party barge, though.

Glad I wasn't the only one. Got carried away their on a distracting tangential though-train about "product" being the new slang for gross mucus spittle. Sorry, everyone. Also, "tow the party line" gives me a gigglefit because I am picturing a towboat pushing barges with people partying on them. Party barges.

I had the same wince-y response to the line - I believe because after I was raped earlier this year, I finally scraped up the courage to file a police report the following week after I had been hospitalized...and the police asked me about 1,000 times in a row why I hadn't called them immediately. I know it's their

Is this what PDA is? I must have been mistaken all this time...

So happy for Carrie's dad(s)! Also...yes. Trump. I wish we could just forget. Except that he built a big pile of dog shit with his name on it into my skyline, so there's that.

Okay, I know Sasha's full name is Natasha...but I TOTALLY heard him say "Merlin" instead of Malia and it sent me into a gigglefit that is still happening in between SOBS OF JOY

"The White Closet." THE WHITE CLOSET. (That is all.)

Mitt is "pro-homosexual" and "behind the homosexual agenda," too? That's the most flattering thing I've heard about him in a while...