
I have been thinking about this for like ten minutes already, and I really cannot understand what leaving "your lights on even when you're not in the room" has to do with anything. With safety, with "provocative" dress, anything. Maybe it's just me. I'm stumped.

I concur! I love Lindy's shouty gossip voice the same way some folks love Katy Perry's shouty singing (?) voice and personally prefer her to any other Dirt Bag contributor. Shout on, Lindy.

EWWWW there is an "e-card" that says that? Makes me glad all over again I gave up Facebook.

WEIRDEST! I basked in the warm fuzzy feeling that my president is a clear voice of reason on an "issue" that hits very close to home (hi, yeah, men CAN be raped, but I, a woman, WAS raped in January) for about twelve seconds before I saw this irritatingly off-topic and spotlight-stealing comment. Plenty of blog

This IS a tough one. I have two types of anxiety disorders and major depression. I've been on psychoactive medication since the age of twelve. I have seen the inside of a few inpatient psychiatric hospitals and know what it's like to request that someone unlock the bathroom so I can pee, to not be permitted to wear

What is this, a human suffering competition? Can't we all agree that ANYONE being blown to smithereens is heartbreaking?

I AGREE. it really works with his face! not sure how it turns him into "kung-fu kanye," though...

(at least) two poor someones! little baby aleph took that surname as well, i assume...