
More importantly, more reasons for you to feel smug about it and tell everyone.

You assuming they are actually thinking.

Man, it must be great to make a living being a professional pop culture race-baiter.

“This all begs the question of whether those opposed to U.S. involvement in a century-and-a-half-old postal union have really thought things through.”


The Regressive Left continues the endless purge of its own people and self destruction of the left. Good job regressives, who are systematically destroying the left with their puritanical political correctness extremism to a point where the right wing can now even start using the regressives own rules against them.

Well that’s funny - Amazon built 5 buildings over here in Central Ohio, including a distribution center and a couple data centers, and as a result they’ve single handedly improved unemployment around here as we’ve been absolutely SCREWED by the economic issues that have affected the country since the day of my high

And now, some common questions and answers relating to Gizmodo’s hypocrisy around Amazon:

Honestly, how dumb can you be?

Yes and of course the idiots in the blue states don’t seem to understand that they are going along with the destruction of the working class because they hate Trump. That world leaders are upset because there is actually an American president asking them to level the playing field instead of rolling over. Like our

No shit.... I couldn’t believe the headline.

It’s just not enough to have it default though to a mans voice.... IT MUST BE A MAN’S VOICE by DEFAULT!

Run for the safe space Forrest! Ruuuuunnnn!!!!!

Am I the only person who watches it Sunday night, laughs at it and then that is it?

I got your point right here.

Someone has to take one for the team

So much unjustified Uber hate floating around. The company might be a train wreck, but what they provide is still really good. Plus their whole business model relies on the little guy – the drivers. The drivers, not Uber’s exec board, makes the service stellar.

“Before I end up sounding too smug...”

“It’s about a website, therefore it’s tech news!”

Thanks for giving courier drivers a bad name with no evidence to back it up, just speculation.

So it seems a wiener brought down another Clinton administration.