
Don’t really buy people leaving on their own accord, especially the execs who have so many options ready to kick-in after some uber-billion-dollar IPO. More like folks getting pushed out and I’m sure the Uber C-level will spin it as the company getting “smarter and leaner” ahead of going public.

What? Nobody is worshipping anyone. People use the service because it legitimately has merits over other methods of getting around. 

I’m constantly amazed at bad internet lawyering. On what basis do you, random internet person, declare their business model “illegal”? Have you approached federal prosecutors with your damning evidence of their illegal business model?

B+ on the bad armchair lawyer grading scale. If you’d gone over the top and invoked RICO you could have gotten an A. Too bad.

Because their CEO supported Hillary.

This is the first news out of this company that I don’t have a problem with.

Is it really amazing? They are currently purposely priced lower than profitability to gain market share. That is their model until they have a big enough market share and start implementing self driving cars. It is called a loss leader tactic and it is why Walmart exists all over the place.

Nothing written supports the claim the title of this post makes except, “Eliminating drivers will “only increase Uber’s projected long-term net profit margin by as much as 5 percentage points,” an Uber worker told The Information.”

So an anonymous source says it won’t help long term profits. But then you immediately