
I liked it along with Rogue One but I’m not invested enough to be upset and argue about it online. Was someone not wearing the right boots or something?  Toxic Star Wars fans are interesting to an entertaining point.

Now if I can only find a current version of the Switch without having to buy it off scalpers for $100 over retail.

Now if I can only find a current version of the Switch without having to buy it off scalpers for $100 over retail.

The cost per TB will never drop to hard drive pricing due to the cost of the drive to read the tapes. As the tape capacity increases new standards have to be created which means new drives have to be created. That 12TB Ultrim tape requires a $1500 drive to read/write to it. You can buy a WD 12TB USB on sale for $179

Shut it down boys, someone isn’t using more than 4TB. Call the 3d models, video editors and archivists, tell them all drive production over 4TB will stop. But seriously, are you for real? I’ve got 100TB and are @ 75% capacity. 


This was simply a lazy recap of Gawker past articles wrapped around a title that doesn’t apply to the content. But expected from here nonetheless, carry on.

In 1999 I was hired by a startup tech, I was given the option to take stock shares with a reduction in salary. I took it and as many of you know at that time it paid off big. Now, not so much, Like Bri said, people have to take cash over possible unknown future payoffs. 

Check your vape cart ingredients for propylene glycol. It’s sometimes used to cut the concentrate.

“That suggests it’s the ingredients glycerol and glycol, used to create vaping clouds, that are more to blame.”

Who are you? How did you get in here with this kind of realistic factual line of thinking? Stick around please we need more of this here.

First on the agenda, where am I again?  

Shouldn’t these two be at bingo right now, I mean damn. 

Wasn’t Ford a Nazi sympathizer who sued the US govt when we bombed Germany and hit his factories there that were building vehicles for Hitler? The Musk hate here in the Gawker universe is so entertaining.

Toyota, a Japanese company, had no plan when moving to Texas to make sure they had the experienced employees they needed there and just hired the local yokels (dumber by your thinking) to handle important tasks. Do you have a link for the fiction you write because this is some high level creative writing right there.

You wouldn’t be saying this if you could afford one. 

It will be and guess who will be blamed for it tanking? 

If it goes anything like AB5 it will fail.

Tank treads <> tank. 

I get the hate because that’s what ppl here love to do but it’s the states govt that is rolling out the opening plans and Trump continues to announce that fact. Carry on though because orange man bad!

I’m in Socal and the Governor is making the calls not Trump. Trump keeps talking about wanting to open up the country again but he puts it on the state govt to make the decisions which here is bringing lawsuits. SD county where I am seems to be doing well, beaches are open and people are following the rules, that is