Chris Johnson

It’s all the same bad trip, man. 

I have no desire to watch other people play ttrpg (in a minority, i know), but this lools like a cool concept.

Jujubee when she’s told to roll a D100:

I often think of the intersex community when the usual crowd of ghouls rants about how “there are only two genders”. People born intersex are far more common than most people would think, I think some estimates are one out of 1000, and usually, as the article mentions, a doctor makes a call, sometimes with the

I’d like to thank The Idol for giving TV critics everywhere a chance to bare their fangs and just go wild. The Defector review has been my favorite so far; the opening paragraph alone is like “This show is bad, and I’m going to get to it, but first I’d like to publicly execute Sam Levinson for Art Crime.”

It’ll probably blow your tiny little mind to learn that we also support other causes, including helping the unhoused. It’s possible to do more than one thing, it turns out!

Thanks, though I’m sure the local RWNJs would disagree.  :)

With our current roster of writers, I can get you a thirteen page slideshow on hypothetical projects that Wednesday Adams and Aubrey Plaza could potentially work on together. Would that work for you?

Honestly I’m okay with this since this is only going to take jobs away from white men with failing acting careers who are pushing 40.   Those guys will be fine. 

She shakes the establishment to its very core. The powers that be might tolerate people being in love, but they are not ready for people to be crazy in love.

But there has to be a point where the TTRPG space must agree that this incredibly clumsy backtrack, scramble, and massive capitulation was not the plan.

This isn’t the first online pharmacy, you’ll still need a prescription for whatever drugs you’re getting. So, I’d guess the normal amount of drug abuse is to be expected.

I mean, it’s not exactly a huge question why it didn’t succeed: it was, by all accounts, a mediocre vanity project in a nebulously established franchise that’s been hit or miss based around a relatively niche character who really was only of interest to Johnson himself.

Will Smith?

Not according to anyone who worked on the Witcher.

She “should be” bullied?

Further plot twist: Everyone in the group is really Susan Meachen, and only some of them are aware of it.

The person I feel bad about in all of this is Cavill who seemed genuinely excited to be coming back to the role, only to have everything completely dashed a few weeks later.

It was entertaining enough for a Christmas weekend with nothing good in the theaters. Usually I like to go out to see a Star War or something with my parents but this was year 3 of watching at home.