Chris Johnson

where’s that world cup, then, mate?

too bad it seems like you haven’t bothered to talk to any transpersons re your ‘questions’. you might have found some real answers

seems pretty wild to me to assume that any of those companies (or the industry) will still exist in a century

i actually thought it was Whore Presents, as in Whore Presents... Masterpiece Theatre

that reminds me i never finished that second new season, not inclined to go back

only 50! i’m showing 78 ads on this page right now

while i wouldn’t be surprised by 1 or 2 (and i agree both are likely), i do think that there is also 3, which they did say in part, that it would likely greatly ease their hiring to not discard out a large group of potential employees.

seriously, grindr is full of profiles full of lengthy detailed descriptions of what guys are looking for that are longer that that guy’s letter.

insightful music criticism?

the realization that, frankly due to a couple right-wing D senators (who give convenient cover to a lot of other mainstream members of congress), there will be likely no movement on maybe the one chance in a generation to actually reshape the political landscape for the better (Voting Rights Act, DC/PR statehood,