Chris Johnson

What a shallow Libertaribro understanding of the problem of information and misinformation.

What’s the median salary though? There’s about 12,000 folks making 50k and then 150 people like Steven Soderburgh who made $4 million for writing some prestige film.

“Do I wish that the trans woman athlete had access and could play and follow her dreams? I do. Will I elevate her rights over women?”

Thank you for saying the quite part out loud. Every time I see one of these lists I think to myself “yeah, these are great cities to live in as a white cis male”. It is a real shame but speaks to the place our country is in where if you want to live somewhere inclusive, you are going to pay through the nose. 

I’d be willing to bet that if you told Americans that the targeting and oppression of non-trafficked, consenting adult sex workers was a major externality or side-effect of tools like Thorn, a majority would say something to the effect of “if it helps save even one child...”

I don’t f*ck with instagram, but I was sexually assaulted by my sister’s husband the first time he visited our home. I was 15. I have just now spoken up after I won’t say how many many years. I don’t care what anyone thinks of me, but he has spent decades shit talking so many people that perhaps the ‘wheel’ will come

Get bent, shill.

Obviously, there are people who already hate queer people regardless of the existence of Rowling or Ron DeSantis or any other bigot. I’m not saying these people created other bigots. But they’re popularity and social capital, left unchecked, contributes to a greater level of societal homophobia and transphobia. Every

Lloyd was being paid for her “Take”, one that few can speak about and have experience in. You can agree/disagree, but she’s allowed to have it as much as any other person.

Congratulations Lauren, you just described the role of a Fox Sports analyst.

Your optimism that this Supreme Court can’t split that hair is touching.

Agreed; I’m super happy for Margot. She’s a woman in Hollywood who actually puts her money where her mouth is. She has always been clear that she wants to use LuckyChap to give more women an opportunity in film/TV and she is true to her word.

Reading Ms. Sweetin’s comment above I have to conclude she’s a put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is kind of person. I applaud her commitment to diversity.

I have no issue with LBG—I have no problem with nobody. You love who you love, you do what you do.

As a German - this isn’t a zero sum game. The citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilians, asking for respect for them is the right of every nation and war crimes cannot be justified by a they started it”.

As a German - had the bombs been ready a few month earlier and the US dropped them on Hamburg and Bremen just some weeks before the surrender instead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I’d assume our culture of Vergangenhetrisbewätigung might be a little taintend by deserved bitterness as well...

I totally get where he’s coming from re: not wanting to be “defined by race.” It’s maddening to hear ignorant people insist that racism would just go away if minorities and liberals “just stopped talking about race,” because it’s so blatantly not true but we really wish it was. I would love to just exist as a person

“Shut Up and Dance” I think is the worst because of the way it plays with your expectations. For most of the run time you are feeling bad for this poor kid who, you think, just got recorded beating off to some porn. I know there are hints that there is more to it but so much is going on you may miss it.  In the end

This is 100% the reason, end stage capitalism is going to kill us all.