Chris Johnson


She was always my favourite. The only SG who isn’t a Tory and Thatcher fangirl.

There are people who still support R. Kelly and Bill Cosby. This is not surprising.

How much did you get paid for this dickride?

Yeah. She was shot. You could say that the dude who definitely shot her allegedly did it if you are worried about liability. But give her the credit for taking a bullet and surviving.

Six years ago I lost my best friend to suicide... two weeks ago my other best friend attempted suicide and was saved in the nick of time... my transgender daughter recently revealed to us in therapy that she feels suicidal almost every day... it’s such a horrible thing. My heart is breaking

white lotus season 3 will have greg dead and tanya’s richass twin who took care of the greg and money situation show up to the resort.

I saw Titanic in theaters as an 8 year old boy and IMMEDIATELY begged my parents to see it a second time the following night. I also got the soundtrack on CD for Christmas. 

Content-wise, HBOMax is the best streamer. The only arguable competition is Netflix for its international stuff. I don’t know anyone who has ever shit on HBOMax for its content. It’s interface is not great.  

Yeah, I have to admit, HBOMAX is/was great. (I feel like your the first person to admit that out loud!) Their originals all felt like they had the same handpicked quality level of HBO proper. I was a subscriber back when it was an Amazon “channel”. Then they cut that off, making it harder to access.

HBO Max has been great. What the new guy who only knows reality shows is doing is not great.

I see more people shitting on Zaslav than HBO Max and lamenting how it’s going to lose everything that made it good. It’s the service I find I want to watch the most things on, for about the same reasons as you. :(

I have no words, I hate this merger and I have that quality scripted shows are dumped while Discovery will surely make cheap blah reality programs, “fix my bathroom/my basement needs help”

When does it get to the point where creators don’t want to work with platforms like this, where the content is immediately lost and removed? There’s a lot of people’s hard work and time invested into these shows. I’m just wondering when it’s going to become a breaking point for those in creative ventures.

Meh; lots of people are celebrating (many of whom spent MONTHS going after Biden for not making any movement when in fact wheels were already in motion). But, there are a lot of people who don’t like Biden who are just looking for another excuse to lambaste him; add in being goosed by Russian trolls online, stoking

I think the common consensus is that Michele is a terrific singer, a passable enough actress, and generally rude, mean, and diva-ish. This is surprising to exactly nobody. Is she racist? Probably not in the ‘Proud Boy’ way or even in the ‘considers voting Republican’ way. But I’d bet a substantial amount it’s in the

The name isn’t so bad...

I think the construction implies that a story can be both invented and broadly true to life in the way it reflects inter-personal dynamics, broader social factors, etc, while, on the other hand, there are invented stories that ring false because they don’t accurately reflect those factors.

Shatner rode the coattail of an unprecedented kind of fandom to reach his level of fame. Credit where credit is due, but Shatner owes as much to Trek as anyone. The rest of them all know or knew it; Shatner never seemed to have received the subspace message.