Chris Johnson

Really? Just going to go all out on the white supremacist talking points eh?

Look, I’m forward-thinking - I accept that people like her didn’t choose to celebrate christmas, and that they were just born that way. What I don’t understand is why they just have to be so flamboyant about it. Like, can’t you do your christmas stuff behind closed doors, and not throw it in all of our faces? I’m

I work part-time at a Michael’s Arts & Crafts. We got Black Santa, Black Nutcrackers, Black Elves. It’s on at Micheals.

Having “less of an advantage” is not a disadvantage

Yeah, my ant is incensed, along with the rest of her flour club.

I was on a phone call with Shatner for a work thing that required minor small talk and I wanted to stab myself in the eye he was so insufferable and self-important.

If Shatner donated all his money to charity and Takei ate a live baby, I think I’d still be on Team Takei.

And it’s not gonna be because we stop making jokes about men scientifically masquerading as female.

FIFA doesn’t care if slaves built those stadiums or if women will be treated like shit or that homosexuals get executed in Qatar.  As long as the money is flowing those assholes are happy 

Gillian Anderson in the Community movie as an FBI agent not named Scully. Abed has to reconcile the existence of this not-Scully Scully. Cherry on top: Anderson’s character is partnered with an agent that is named Scully, played by Robert Patrick.

‘cooked up with unemployed anti-zealots’

I would watch a Community/X-Files crossover event.

WHAT!?! Man, I played Kingdom of Loathing before there was even a Naughty Sorceress fight. Still have a character who knows how to make snow cones, even if I go years at a time without logging in. Me and Asymmetric? We go way back. Loved West of Loathing, played through multiple times, did one more playthrough after

God I wish this weren’t typical of takeovers.

My former boss did this.

I’ve just never seen such a monumental fuck-up. Watching Elon take over Twitter has been like watching a rich idiot walk into a Ferrari dealership, buy the most expensive car in the showroom, and confidently drive the car straight into a dynamite factory.

Now playing

I fear this is going to confuse a lot of our colonial brethren...

Not replying directly to any FUCKING ASSHOLES, but here’s some facts:

Sisi, you get a lot of shit on this website, and you just keep wading back in clad in anime-style, gacha-themed, unapologetically progressive armor with a giant buster sword engtaved ‘the blade with which I slew the last fucks I had to give’ and daring those motherfuckers to give you more. So let me just say: