Chris Johnson

Saw this at the Austin Film Fest two weeks ago, and it was fantastic. Felt a bit too much like a play at times (it was adapted from a play) but Brendan Frasier knocks it out of the park and will likely get an Oscar nomination for his performance. 

I haven’t signed onto Kinja in weeks but I had to after reading your post cause it brought me so much joy I needed to tell you. 

Well now let’s get this started. Being fat is not an identity nor a characteristic that should be celebrated or encouraged. Fat shaming is harmful, gross and for any of the “just tryna help” lot also counter productive. Movies have no responsibility to portray fictional characters positively or even sympathetically

“So fresh, so clean,” so completely ironic.  My freshman roommate and good friend from high school recently posted pictures of herself with my rapist, also someone from high school. But hey, he was popular and good-looking and she wasn’t going to let that stop her. She was one of the only two people I told. The need

That’s the thing though, there’s two conversations here that are being conflated. One is whether franchise movies are *proper* cinema, to be considered anything other than “theme park rides (and to hear some of the commenters here, you’d think Disney invented commercial art); and the other is the juggernaut success

A gimmick commentor? In this economy?

Audiences will delight as this panther of a movie slinks through the night! Take note, Blake Edwards, this is how you make a sequel after a star has passed. Coogler doesn’t need to resort to deleted scenes to make this kitty purr! Although the missus’ wouldn’t shut up about her confusion of Angela Basset/Shirley

I would like to also stump for it’s sort of companion-y series, “A History of Violence” by Tom Breihan, which was about action movies. Both were absolutely fantastic, revelatory work written by fans of the genre, well researched but accessible...this comment actually makes me think it would have been amazing to have

It IS but only up to a certain point of income. They’ve actually researched it. It’s something like money CAN buy happiness up to about $75k/year per person (which might need to be a little higher now to adjust for inflation and also assumes no dependents). Once you get to that point, you usually have enough for a

Chris Brown is a truly nasty human. I think he should be “cancelled” and properly punished for his numerous acts of violence to women, including punching Rihanna’s head through a Lamborghini window.

As someone who tried twitter for about 3 weeks 8 years ago I find it hilarious how so many people who spend a lot of time in online comment sections can’t wrap their head around twitter, why it appeals to some people... and the fact someone being incredibly online in one way is somehow incredibly different (to the poin

There’s nothing more pathetic than some incel simping for Musk. Seek help.

Right, that was Silverman’s point. She wasn’t saying that gentile actors can’t play jews, she was questioning how those parts are cast. She felt that when parts, particularly women’s, are centered on a character’s jewish ethnicity, the powers that be often seem to go out of their way to cast actors that read as very

You’re imagining Musk’s boner? Talk about username/comment synergy.

If you can’t tell the difference between willful disinformation (masks are useless, Covid is fake, breathe hydrogen peroxide fumes to protect your health) and lack of knowledge about a new and fast-moving pandemic, then you are a cautionary tale that perfectly demonstrates why Facebook needed to be more responsible in

Some from my Halloween playlist not mentioned:

I do have a colostomy bag and will for the rest of my life, and let me tell everyone, if a doctor says it will happen to you unless you take their advice, you take that doctor’s advice.

He’s this gen’s Florence Foster Jenkins!

ooh, that’s a hell of a supergroup