Chris Johnson

You're terrifying. Don't have children. You will abuse them

He clearly wasn’t as important. Less “hated me less”, more “noticed me less”.

Seth Green was on Good Mythical Morning this week and told a story about how when he was 9, he did a bit on SNL and in the green room, he was sitting on the arm of a couch watching TV with Eddie Murphy, Bill Murray came in and told him he was in his seat, and eventually ended up picking him up and dropping him in a

I have a couple of friends who work in P.R. & a lot of the time it’s a drug overdose, suicide attempt, or something else that they don’t want widely publicized.

Probably used to before the site got herbed.

Back a dump truck full of money to their front door and they lose their god damned minds.

Nah, he’s right; up til the 60s/70s or so, movies were released in a roadshow format, touring for extended periods, and while box office numbers were still an important metric, a movie’s success was measured over its touring lifetime.

You say that, and sure, it’s easy to snarkily dismiss the concerns of internet randos as cruelty.

But then I think of What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.

There, the screenwriter and director essentially saw an episode of Maury Povich and said “I WANT TO EXPLOIT THAT FAT MISERY” and cast the lady they saw in the episode,

I saw it. She was 5th on the call sheet, not at the top. The movie was about Dicaprio, Depp, and Depp’s relationship with Juliette Lewis more than her. The movie was sold on Depp’s name. Her scenes were all in one room until the end. I can’t imagine how they could have made her part the lead part unless they turned

Surely the fact that there are hardly any stories about the kind of lives led and struggles faced by those who are extremely, morbidly obese on the level of 600 lb or upwards is worthy reason enough by itself? It’s a perspective on the world that isn’t seen or heard much, and certainly isn’t seen or heard in a way

‘It’s not even sufficient to say “He’s 600 lbs because I want him to be.” That’s just fucking lazy.’

I don’t mean to disappear up my own ass here, but it seems to me that requiring something be “necessary” to “make a point” in order for its inclusion in a work of art to be justified (by who?) is going to get you a lot of shitty art.

Someone that size would have extreme difficulty getting to and from the set, going through makeup and wardrobe, and spending weeks of long days under hot lights.

OK. I can’t be the only one who was hoping for a David Lynch/Frank Oz directorial team-up.

Im straight and somehow managed not to be offended by that joke. I don’t have an super powers. You too could not be offended by silly jokes.

I’d be happy if they found ways to bring back both Keith David and Jonathan Banks for at least cameos to catch up on their characters. They may have been Chevy Chase replacements, but they played well with the rest of the cast. And on that note, they damn well better bring back Paget Brewster. She was the MVP of the

No.  Their lives should be one long plateau at the bottom.  If they must have a peak, hopefully it was just being born.  Then all downhill.

Disasters like this are going to be a lot more common, yet we are still doing almost nothing to prevent it. 

And, of course, New York City itself.

Patton Oswlat on a Netflix special said making fun of Trump was a pain in the ass. to paraphrase the bit, if you saw a monkey flinging shit and then spent all the time about coming up with a great shit flinging joke but by the time you come up with it the monkey has taken the shit and made itself a hat out of it.