Chris Johnson

But they don’t all try to turn slave-traders into heroes.

“15years off the internet? how about 30. The trolls only bother you if you let them.”

Something something right-wing politics are designed to deregulate standards of living and food quality. Then undereducated and prey on fear. These people aren't an anomaly, they we're predestined to brain damage and maladaptive behavior.

tbf, I don’t think any of the last like... 2-3 batches of Jez writers have really engaged with the comments at all. Hell, I don’t think there’s actually any type of flagging system or moderation for the comments anymore (I know you can ‘flag comments’, but from what I’ve seen it might as well be one of those busy

I would listen to this podcast mentioned in the article.  i’m swamped in podcasts but Bjork curating deep cuts from her archives and chirping arcanely about them is something I apparently need to hear. 

In apparent defense of her son. And also his violence seems to have gone beyond what was required to deal with Jolie’s grabbing his neck to stop him from going after their son. There was definitely a “there” there to continue to pursue if the FBI wanted to, but you also have to consider the desires of federal law

Reminds me a little of someone I know who is not long for this world, sadly. Talented, funny, and has such a bright light you can’t help but be drawn to, but so very troubled due to compounding trauma, brought on by some of the individuals in their life. It’s sad and unfair, and brings on a pervading sense of

I haven’t seen it mentioned in these articles, so I don’t know how well known it is, but, after Heche’s father died of HIV/AIDS in 1983, her mother became a Christian activist, insisting he “died of homosexuality.” She even wrote a memoir about Anne coming out.

In real life, the guy from Counting Crows dated 2 out of the 3 main actresses on Friends.  It happens.

What a terrible tragedy for all involved. I’m so glad she didn’t kill anyone else, and I’m glad the woman whose home burned is going to be okay as well. My heart goes out to Heche’s two children, especially.

Finally! Something to look forward to!

How tragic. I liked her in Six Days, Seven Nights. Never saw Wag The Dog which I was meaning to catch up on before all this. I never had mental illness or addiction problems (unless junk food is an addiction). While she could have hurt others in her driving and crash, before this grim turn of events, I empathized with

When you a date a Friend you date all the Friends.

So ironic. When I dated, I could have gone on first dates every night of the week for a month if I wanted to.

There’s also no Premiere League soccer on right now, which is what I mostly use(d) Peacock for.

Yeah but they used to be quicker about it. They’d at least turn around the articles when the news was still fresh. 

It’s a book about her own experiences. I don’t know why it’s gross that she included a part of her experience that was obviously very traumatic. I think unfortunately we just live in a society where the only way people seem to be able to normalize mental health, addiction, queerdom, etc. is by selling it. That’s not

I’ve met Jinkx a few times and even hung out with her for for a bit after one of her shows. That’s just her laugh.

Who was thrilled to see an art reference outside of Pop Art? I was va’ Klimt!

IIRC, the captions on P+ incorrectly do say “vanjie” though.