Chris Johnson

That’s a whole lot of words to tell strangers on the internet that you don’t understand what freedom of speech means

As a proud gay man, I like queer. To me it implies “different” rather then “something that isn’t quite right”. Personally, I’m very comfortable and happy with different. Neither better or worse, but also not the same.


As much as I like Liz Warren, gotta say this one sounds a little half-baked to me. Aside from the potential issues with the Hyde Amendment, couldn’t states potentially block roads/access to parks, or use laws like Texas has to prosecute drivers who take women to Federal sites, or stop/prosecute/fine drivers or

Not likely, for all the reasons outlined in the article below. Basically, the majority of Native Americans get their healthcare through the government. Since the Hyde Amendment has excluded abortion care from the healthcare these Native Americans receive, these populations have developed their own systems to access

Yes, that’s a harsh assessment. This show has so many viewers that are so goddamned toxic; how do you offer meaningful critiques without later having your words twisted out of context by chauvinistic fans? With its latest staff cuts, I fear that the A.V. Club — which is down to reviewing seven or eight shows — is

You really don’t. The money is trash and it’s a boring grind.

One of the first times I remember getting livd at a “grownup” as a teen was during my summer school geometry class about 15 years ago when the teacher, who also happened to be a pastor (who loved to talk about how expensive his car was) somehow pivoted our lesson about math into a lesson on how most men in prison grew

As a former Catholic, I’m starting to regard “nice, decent Catholics” the same way I do “nice, decent Republicans.”

back in treatment for the second time for cocaine. yours and Coopers and everyone’s sobriety gives me hope to keep going <3

A few friends had a similar conversation with me not too long ago. I went to rehab and everything, and have been sober since. It really is crazy how much your life improves if you just let it. About to hit my 6 months sobriety date, which I know isn’t that long, but for me it’s a lifetime.

Does anyone with hate-filled, intolerance-filled opinions/views have any good excuse to NOT just “live and let live”? “Love thy neighbor”? Just care about other people who aren’t your friends and family? Is that genuinely seen as BS by some people? Because that terrifies me. If I see someone in a horrible car wreck,

I think it is hilarious that Page points out that he understands that people may not get it, and that some people may have a “boo hoo” attitude about it, and you feel the need to pile on with EXACTLY that response. Like “me too, me too, I think this is dumb too!”

It was actually really nice to see someone reconsider their initial reaction and agree they should be more empathetic - usually not the payoff I get for reading deeper into the comments.

There is no trauma Olympics or “extremely fucked up” Olympics where we measure or arbitrate how people get to feel about their own experiences. I’m sorry your experiences sucked. I’m sorry Elliot Page’s experiences sucked. I wouldn’t want to experience either of them. Yet neither is invalid simply because the other

I imagine that was one of the worst things you’ve ever experienced. So you’re comparing the worst things you experienced to one thing that Elliot Page said bothered him. The only one comparing the experiences is you and the only one taking it to extremes is you. I don't know what Elliot Pages most traumatic experience

You can either heal from trauma or constantly try to win the trauma Olympics where no one else’s experiences matter because yours were worse. He never once compared wearing a dress to violent murder.

You cannot even begin to imagine what it’s like to endure a career constantly seeking to cram you into a box you don’t fit in. I’d sit this one out.

I haven’t even been over to Jezebel yet and I already need to lie down.