Chris Johnson

It would be nice to not be the butt end of a joke for at least one Netflix comedy special while my state desperately tries to make me not real.  It gets a little tiring.

This Twinja user is using your article’s comments to spread hateful speech

And you can wash that down with this.

Now playing

This clip has been making the rounds all week but some of y’all desperately need to see it.

Wow, even in the comments here I’m seeing someone use a slur. Chappelle really activated the worst scum around.

if only random idiots would stop deflecting from the situation at hand

Sir, this is a Wendy’s......

Who cares.

The article’s confusing because it’s trying to force those things together in really weird way.”

Racism against white people is more a theoretical concept than anything actual white people have to deal with. 

Man Man! He arrives to work in a timely manner! He is a good husband and father!  He pays his taxes! He can change a flat tire...HE”S ......MAN-MAN!

He seems confused as to why people are trying to prevent unwanted touching in acting when he used to get away with it before.  Just because things used to work that way, doesn’t mean they still do, and its his responsibility to follow the rules like everyone else.  This isn’t about his age, but his refusal to adapt

You’re all over this thread with terrible takes. You’re the AT&T of people.

Lmao, I didn't before but since you mention it that sounds like a great idea.

I sure wish you would just drift off on an iceberg . . .

Just want to say a thanks to all those who were gracious enough to explain what “spontaneity” means. The cleverness of the AVClub commentariat may have diminished, but at least the pedantry is still going strong.

Cattrall’s perspective seems incredibly healthy and well-adjusted to me. It’s OK to be professional but not friends with your coworkers (in fact, I would argue it’s likely preferable. I have liked and had good working relationships with most of my coworkers over the last 25 years. Only a few of these coworkers have

Eisenhower levels of taxation.

This story is extremely illustrative and explanatory of 1) why we need to go back to Reagan-era levels of taxation on wealth, and 2) why that will never happen.

Do y’all think Vegas will start taking bets on when the next American Civil War will be and how long until America is separate countries?