Chris Johnson

Ooh, a “Let’s Go Brandon” chud in the wild. I’ve been meaning to ask one of you: you realize you can just say “fuck,” right? For example, I can just say “Donald Trump and his brain-dead bumblefuck dipshit Nazi asshole supporters can all go burn in hell” outright. No “secret code” necessary, with the the added

The commenters here are getting dumber and meaner everyday. The articles suck but the commenters used to be insightful and funny. Now it’s like AVC and the commenters are on a race to the bottom. 

I wasn’t aware of those last two examples and I find them deeply sad. Yes, it is a tragedy to die during the making of a good movie like The Crow or The Dark Knight, but to die for a terrible movie?

as with the “Mr. Big” allegations, as time passes and more and more actresses see how viciously they will be attacked making their allegations against powerful men, I tend to give their allegations MORE credence than before just because they know they’re opening themselves to abuse and likely torpedoing their careers

Thanks much. As a freelancer, it’s weird (and I’m sure vastly less disruptive than the extremely hard-working and screwed-over staffers) because in the short term, it just feels like, oh, I haven’t gotten my next AVC assignment yet.

Thank you so much! And seriously, WHAT a lineup the film section had! (As did plenty of other sections, but since I follow film most closely, I was most acutely aware of who my name got to inexplicably share space with.) Fortunately, I think everyone involved has other outlets, but I’ll miss our all-star lists,

Thank you so much! And yeah: I don’t want to speak for others, but my understanding is that the consensus among pretty much all the freelance film contributors is... no Dowd, no deal. (At least given these circumstances; obviously would be different if Alex was leaving for greener pastures.) If there’s anyone who’s

Well, we’ve enjoyed the reviews, which for me stood as the last vestiges of the old AV Club, the AV CLub we used to know. I hope all the departing writers make a similar valedictory post so we can all say farewell - I for one will be de-bookmarking this place I’ve read regularly since, I don’t know, 2006. It’s too

At the risk of self-indulgence, I’m gonna pop down here for whoever is poking around in the comments section to say that this is my last A.V. Club review. (I believe that’s the case for everyone writing an A.V. Club movie review this week.) This is really more of a farewell-toned piece, ICYMI:


I didn’t watch this or even SaTC but I just wanted to come in and say I’ve enjoyed your work over the years, Gwen, here and the Takeout and how you would always happily hop into comments with us. What’s happened to this formerly great site and its writers is vile.

I don’t watch this crap. I come here to read Gwen review the mess. AVClub = whack. Gwen Ihnat = good stuff. 

What an utterly fatuous and puerile statement. That you felt you were sharing great insight into the techniques and skills of one of the greatest actors of the last 30 years with such a base  generality is embarrassing coming from you. You are better than this, it’s right there in your name CineCRAFT

Just wanna say thank you for being so terrific at your job. The readership will forever be in your corner!

Shit’s weird, man. I have a lot more to say but I shouldn’t. 

Kathy Griffin really got screwed and we still haven’t seen Trump decapitated.

That was McCartney's original title.

The whole series is a ripoff of better material, she just happened to use The Protocols of the Elders of Zion for the Banking Gobbos.

I think the reason so many of us aren’t really talking about climate change is because we’re fucking tired and hopeless. We’ve reached the point the characters reach in the final act - we’ve talked, we’ve advocated, we’ve “raised awareness,” we’ve supported politicians we thought would do something, and we’ve realized

I have a friend who is from NYC, and one time he was an extra on Law and Order. He said Jerry Orbach was extremely nice, but Chris Noth was a huge asshole.