Am I the only one that was hoping Halo would finally go to aim-down-sights? I’ve tried to replay the halo’s in the steam collection, but it just feels so basic.
Am I the only one that was hoping Halo would finally go to aim-down-sights? I’ve tried to replay the halo’s in the steam collection, but it just feels so basic.
Nah, I’m here in 2020 tooand I want borgohuris to know they were terrible and exclusionary towards tons of healthy dog situations.
More power is great and all, but I’d rather developers focus their efforts on environmental logic going forward.
There are beautiful games like God of War, FFVII:R, etc. that look so damn good when you do exactly what the developer planned for you to do... then look so dumb when you’re trying to feel your way through…
Each time I think about buying this, I wonder why I don’t just start taking better care of my actual house, cause like, I have weeds that need to be pulled.
(barret voice)
This does not release you from giving us a Final Fantasy X retrospective
The fun flip side to this is when you find the rooms WITH movable furniture, so I just bulldoze cloud through them for a while.
To be fair, many AAA games with obscene amounts of detail still end up with these logic issues- the most glaring offender to me was the most recent God of War which is filled with waist high rocks I can’t climb on.
It feels like the more graphical detail is poured into a game, the more difficult it is to keep it’s…
I’m wondering if you’ve considered the implications of your logic in other contexts.
(resumes chucking tomatoes at this post)
LOL, there isn’t a homepage button once you click on one of these slide articles.
Honestly, the current civic hatch looks great... just get a black one to hide all the crazy*.
*I own a black Civic hatch.
Do we still know nothing about how the games will be connected, progress-wise?
I want a base game with expansions and dammit, it’s important to have hope.
“One of the little creeps” suggests he considered more than one, perhaps all of them, to be creeps.
Biden really doesn’t need to win the nomination, is what I’m saying.
Why do you think every any% speedrun post gets these same comments from people that otherwise don’t pay attention to speedrunning?
The only part I’m a little concerned about is the connectivity of the whole series. I love the idea of expanding the Midgar section into a full game and that sounds great thinking about how they’d do the same for the rest of the series.
I am going to be bummed if all of these parts are completely discreet, linear…
“All I wanted and hoped for was amazing graphics fleshed out dialogue and stellar music...”
Well awe damn, looks like they’re adding stuff- an idea who’ve seem to predetermine will be terrible.
We reached unavoidable spoiler on that within a week of the episode. Honestly, I watched the pilot late the first day the service launched and I already knew about baby yoda beforehand. Still loved the episode.
You’re describing the process to git gud at any game. Learn how it works, execute what you’ve learned. To even begin down that path, you’re gud’r than most.
EA is absolutely terrible, but they fund stuff I like sometimes, such as this game. I bought through Origin, partly because it’s still required to even play it, but also because I’d rather those dollars go into the actual content producing structure.
When Disney, Square, HBO, etc. make content I want to experience, I’d…
Multiple launchers has never really bugged me. I’d rather give the publisher (even one as terrible as EA) that 20% rather than give it to a reseller.