
Fantasian. Get an apple tv 4k used and sell it when you’re done if you don’t already have an Apple device. It’s all your heart wants and more.

Also the HD2D games they’ve released have been great, particularly Triangle Strategy if you like tactics-styled RPGs. I also bought Live a Live blind and have been surprised how

Yeah, when he talks about receiving a “wide variety of requests” I think that’s more directed at management than it is at fans. Yoshida is almost universally loved by the fans.


i’s just in-game assets that are tied to an NFT. Craft a thing that’s difficult to craft (arbitrarily so by the developers), then let the crafter sell the thing at auction, with the publisher taking a cut.

It’s like art “investing” with a much easier interface.

Reminds me of that company selling art “shares” as a form of investment because of historical returns (those returns being defined by the service, using just the assets that performed well).

Everyone gets that the holders of these assets are just looking for buyers

Any publicly traded publisher will have to pretend to care about NFTs.

Part of late stage capitalism is executives taking on initiatives that ignorant shareholders demand and then hope the creators underneath figure out how to maintain a successful company despite their own annoying intrusions. Sorry.

Everybody’s talking about how this would be a sequel... do we know it’s a sequel? It might be a prequel for all we know, thus avoiding having to pick an ending from the trilogy.

... You want the blogger to copy/paste a press release into his post? Why?

Now I’m wondering if I should wait for updates and play it with my ryzen 7 5800x with gtx 2070 or just get it on PS5.

Has anyone A/B’d this and Stadia? It’s probably a combination of Last Mile problems and my own standards for lag, but I couldn’t tolerate any action game when I tried out Stadia.

<super serious lore answer>

The characters are actors in a troupe, each game is a play. That’s the whole thing.

I think it means the city was named after the Duke of Donk and there’s also probably a Donktown elsewhere

Yeah that was awful

the time travelling internet commenter is a fun head game when reading old comments- I’ve wanted to tell past commenters about Donald Trump like 10 times reading old comments.

Yeah, but am I the person on the planet who bought the answer for “Why are Reapers”? Cause within the context of a galactic space opera, I definitely bought it and even to a much lesser degree their willingness to <last 20 minutes spoilers>

3 is totally my favorite, the combat system is perfect by then, especially since I prefer to run a total biotic team and the last one feels the strongest for that class.

I also don’t hate the ending as much as everyone else.

I thought yours was alright

(laughs in fucking 2021)

For this game, it’s because it really feels like they’re putting THE VISUALS right there in your face.

just get the fuck out of here