

“but some sort of fix to make offline solo story content a thing would be nice.”

That’s just expressly not what Destiny is. 

I read way more news than I should and have never really known the exact definition of gaslighting. Given this origin, it’s some real bullshit that it’s even acceptable to use in journalism.

Worse yet, it feeds this notion that Trump or his idiots understand some complex psychological method of DECEIVING THE PUBLIC, as

Everyone handles grief differently. My only advise would be to not tell yourself that Quimby’s death shouldn’t emotionally mean more to you than the bird flying above your house.

Ugh, Mandy Drury, great shit she was something. I have my Siri set to Australian because of her.

The cajun filet is thin, the breading sucks and they’re biscuit sucks- its just big.

We had a Bojangles. It opened 1000 feet from our Popeyes and made it... 18ish months. Also, I don’t trust their North Carolina ass to understand pimento cheese- that looks terrible.

TMZ also adds that sources ‘at the venue tell us there weren’t any signs posted about cell phone use, and it was never addressed by the MC or the two performers who came on before Davidson.’”

Okay, back all the way off. We don’t need signs to know this. Also to a larger point, no one who isn’t a struggling comedian

Have you considered the numerous variants in the bag category

what the fuck are you doing bringing this into an article about popeyes

Believe me, I would if I could.

Honestly, I hated the episodes leading up to it more than the finale. I’m not one to question where the narrative goes, what I hated most was the show breaking it’s own rules on what, ahem, we should expect of certain creatures and what, AHEM, has or hasn’t actually been baked into a character...

Like killing 10s of

I enjoy these conversations that slowly take place over a couple years in these posts

“The same model of helmet that he wants to continue wearing is still in production and approved for use, so a brand new one would be functionally identical. He simply wants to keep wearing the specific one he’s had for his whole career”

Waitwhat!? This is an insane detail that should be in the article if true. Provide

Look, headlines and lead images that spoil things within a week of their release are bad, but great shit, this is 2019. You should be able to tell when a post is openly discussing plot by this point before it actually talks about significant points. And it’s not a 60 hour video game- it’s a movie! Go watch the thing

I can’t stand you people.

Among the many things FFIX is best at among FF games is the cities. Treno! Lindblum! Alexandria! Shit this game is so good

I’m very down for the episodic stuff and square fleshing out the story as much as they want. My only concern is how the episodes are presented. Is it going to be a series of discrete games or a single base game with expansions.

Cause I want the second thing. I would LOVE for a base game ($60) followed by $40 expansions

Virginia is 100% in the south and partially in the northeast.

What annoys me about this debate is that the gamers that are for this legislation, don’t buy loot boxes, but they are mad that so many others do and that this market sucks investment dollars from your thing to theirs. “Hey other gamers! They’re taking advantage of you! Don’t play that nickel and dime gameplay loop

That level of optimism is straight reckless