
My number was used for spoofing a few weeks ago- I got a couple callbacks from people saying I called them. Also, it’s a business line so that’s fun. I use google fi, contacted them to see if they could do anything and of course they had nothing.

There was a story a couple weeks ago that said ghost had some cool moments coming up this season.... And that hasn’t happened yet so I still have some hope.


the mario 64 one deserves high praise

What we found out-of-bounds was the naming of specific developers as targets for public criticism. It’s unfair and extremely traumatizing to single out people in this way, and we can’t accept that treatment towards any of our staff.”

Never has RTFA been more appropriate.

This thread is the worst shit I’ve read in a long time.

I started playing Destiny for the first time a couple months ago, forwent the immediate level boost and have been pretty chill playing solo through the main story and I’m almost finished, will then head to... I guess the forsaken story.

Should I have used the level boost? None of my friends play Destiny, but I want try

Holy crap, I loved God of War, but that shit was nuts. My first memory of that feeling was Splinter Cell 2 when the game wouldn’t let me jump a handrail to the spot I needed to go, but in in the year of our lord 2018 in the most cinematic game I’ve ever played, seeing a ledge I could personally jump to stop Kratos was

I disagree on playing solo. Even with just randos, I’m very glad I decided to leave public on because I’ve found a nice role in area damaging what everyone else is shooting at. It kind of reminds me of my biotic-heavy mass effect teams.

My biggest issues so far have been the lack of explaining on basically every level

Jason’s point, you crazies, is that his setup isn’t an issue for him in any other online game, but it is for Anthem. To think a PC game released right now should REQUIRE an SSD install in order to not be booted from the game due to loading times is crazy.

(party over, y’all lived your lives for a couple years)

I didn’t take the final scenes as being “remember the good times”. The scenes end focusing on her eyes. The eyes show the truth behind most smiles. What was so great about this episode was the slight expressions that would flash across the characters’ faces.


The meta joke about how much effort you put into these videos continues to provide laughs

I think you should honestly consider this your top game of all time if the time commitment stays this high for so long.

I’ve played Destiny for a handful of hours over the years and spent more time reading about others experiences with it. From an outsider, the relationship this community has with Destiny is really

You do a pretty good job conveying the competing ideas that ensure we won’t do anything to fix what’s an obvious freaking problem.

“I think my problem stems from his review (and thus by extension, his opinion of the series in general) then being adopted as the official view of Kotaku.”

I’d suggest you not worry about the official view of Kotaku, mostly because I don’t think it exists on really any topic. This site doesn’t post grades- it doesn’t

Please do not consider Nightgaunt00's criticism.

but i like this game

This thread led to me discovering Breaking Madden and I laughed hysterically for a solid 40 minutes

Yeah right, lent licker! Go kick rocks you pea-brained lout!

Why in the hell aren’t they releasing a Majora’s Mask-sized follow up expansion to BotW? This is my favorite world they’ve ever given me- please keep telling me stories from here!!

I was going to suggest that the short had probable closed out his position, but now I’m mad again about not getting more BotW DLC so now I