
I just sorted by most recent and this two year comment thread complaining about comments is on top, lol.

“Persona 5 Dancing - Mike Fahey is going to love this one.”

I would like to paypal you $1.75 for this comment.

His wife posted a pic of him on the gofund me page a month ago- it seems to be going as expected.

Shit us 970 owners that said “this is good for another couple years” re-ha-heeeel-ly chose poorly.

As a NVDA stockholder, really wish they’d just hurry up with the 20XX gen along with a SEPARATE mining-specific line. I don’t know enough about the computing needs of gaming versus mining, but surely there’s enough

you get high. it’s like the red light, ping pong balls cut in half eye covers with static thing. All the Gen X-ers are doing it

Alright, well have a good one, Shy.

Cities aren’t islands. States aren’t either.

They have a lower threshold for what constitutes a violent crime than how we report it.

“You obviously lock them up”

That’s only obvious to you cause you’re so smart. Again, most don’t lock up their guns. They sit in nightstands, in a gun display that’s not locked, on the dresser, etc. So yeah, it isn’t just that we have so many guns, it’s also how irresponsible we are with them.

And to answer your

It’s blowing my mind that people are even thinking of that after reading this story.

10s, perhaps 100s of thousands of households in America have guns in easily accessible spots where kids can get them and injure themselves and others.

One of our most defining traits, welcome to the United States.

“I honestly had no idea that the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom were all so tiny!”

New Donk City should have taught you this!

If everybody had your common sense, we’d be in much better spot.

edit: nvm :-)

So you got to collecting anecdotes, formed your stupid little opinion and are now pretty sure about the “general trend” concerning dog people.

That bullshit is idiotic regardless of the subject.

Imagine that bullshit reasoning about hating dogs passing muster with humans.

I mostly feel that the little artistic genius should have used deductive reasoning to figure out what the friendly neighbor was talking about.

Not ask, “What’s a computer?” but then instantly fall out of the conversation and back into her report. SHE’S TALKING ABOUT THE ONE THING YOU’RE USING BARB

I have no idea who the worst character could be on Stranger Things, but it ain’t Mike. The poor kid is in love with the most powerful being on Earth. And after losing her, it’s not surprising that he kinda quits giving a shit.

“I know plenty of people with degrees in fields they know nothing about.”

Would you kindly elaborate on that?

Obviously don’t name names, but please generally describes some of these people and the fields they have degrees in.