K.G. Ballard

At worst they ran blush. Mayyyybe mascara.

maybe hipsters are unfamiliar with comedy, but comedy is based on the comparison or contrast between two ideas that creates a friction or cognitive dissonance that our brains recognize as funny. Here, Rivers is comparing living in her daughter's lavish guest room to the hellish conditions of The cleveland kidnapping

Well, I don't know about that, but I do remember Joan herself made lots of jokes about her husband Edgar's suicide. She made 9/11 jokes, too.

But the joke wasn't at the expense of the victims. It was a self-depricating joke about her living conditions. Her living conditions were so terrible, that they were like those of the victims. You can say it wasn't funny, but to say that her attempt at a joke trivializes the plight of the victims is just stupid. The

I will never allow my children (if/when I have them) to play on any kind of iphone/ipad/whatever the hell else we'll have invented by then. You get a book thank you very much. Anyone who grew up in the explosion of the internet/technology can tell you how addicted to, not to mention distracted by, their phones/instant

I remember when my kid was born (about 10 years ago) doctors had just recommended pretty much no TV until the age of 2. There had been a study where they had done brain scans of babies who saw more TV and the brains were developing a bit differently. Not necessarily differently in a bad way, but differently. One of

Second, I don't give a shit what someone "feels" when it comes to science. I "feel" like I'm going to win the lottery doesn't make it true.

Thanks for posting more from the NAA website. Now we are even more informed on the incorrect stance they take on vaccinations.

I just want to say, I think it's funny that this chart was created by someone other than the author of the post.

That's what I'm thinking. It was actually a $20m film, in (presumably) 1982 money, which is a LOT. And they clearly didn't spend it on things like actors, screenwriters, costumes, props, sound effects, or music.

Scott going back to Knives would be a huge step backwards, and would invalidate the whole point of the story—that he's finally beginning to grope towards adulthood, and is finally ready for something like a grown-up relationship. I was stunned to learn that Wright ever seriously considered a Scott/Knives ending. He

"It's easy to find people online who still feel strongly that Scott should have ended up with Knives."

"both the pro-choice and birthing communities"

No, shit. I know JJ didn't INVENT IT, just like Nolan didn't invent "BRAAAMMMMM" notes in music. I'm saying he made it prevelant in today's pop culture.

Isn't this the original concept for the intelligent commando raptors in Jurassic Park 4?

Nice to see the Jez watermark on someone else's stuff. Sigh.

Science Fiction/romantic comedy... There need to be more of these.

Now playing

I actually think Galaxy Quest is one of the best (besides some of the others mentioned here already). It was a brilliant take on ST:TOS.

"Look around, do you think you could create a rudimentary lathe?"
"A lathe?? Get off the line Guy!"


"... and then it exploded!"

I hate the anti-vaxxers.