K.G. Ballard


Side note: Will someone (Scocca?) please instruct Gawker/Jezebel writers to please stop using ALL FUCKING CAPS for emphasis in their posts? Y'all have italics and underlining (and even bold) at your disposal. Have some grace. The editorial here is starting to resemble YouTube comments.

Exactly. Who gives a fuck.

It's been a...difficult...week.

I'm still watching, but I'm very bored. I'd like to give the writers credit for sophisticated plotting, but it doesn't seem to matter. I'm just being arbitrarily loyal because there's not much else on.

Oh boy, do I hate you. So selfish, so willfully ignorant. I implore all anti-vaxxers to move to a developing nation, where widely available vaccines would save countless lives (and not increase the incidence of autism by the slightest bit). Get out of my community, please, and quick.

Time Bandits. If you haven't seen it (or not since you were younger), it's a must.

And cocaine.

Why the word 'overdose' in the headline, and why did you put it in quotes? The original article never uses that word — because it quite clearly wasn't an overdose. They're saying 'poisoning', which makes more sense.

Oh, no. That's not a spoof?

We sure this isn't a joke? Because it sure looks like a joke. Then again, it was featured by Thrillist. So.

io9 pretty much took care of this already:

Ugh. So unfunny.

Um, no shit. CJA suggested zombies. I took the considerate approach and neither confirmed nor denied your speculation of windigos. Would you prefer full-blown spoilers next time?

Without spoiling: There are horrors, not zombies.

Yes, he is a terrible person.