K.G. Ballard

Okay, wait. I'm a fat person, and I know the feeling of judgement on a plane. That said, it sounds like she was being incredibly RUDE. He probably glared at her because she was late - which many people do. And she SHOULD have said 'excuse me" and POLITELY asked him to move. And she certainly shouldn't act like a

Jeez, Lindy. I am a fan, I really am, and I more or less agree with your central premise about the way society treats heavier people, but the original anecdote that kicked it off? You were the bad guy there. I've reread it five times trying to pick up where the guy in the seat was the one in the wrong and I just can't

I'll buy that "fat" people have it tough, but your story wasn't a representation of that. It was just you being angry in the morning and then assigning your anger to a target and reason in order to justify it.

Totally agreed. You kicked him while he was sleeping? I'm pretty sure he was just as annoyed to be there as you, the only difference is you're the only one who actually cemented your status as the ass in the story. And then to write about it like "look what an asshole his guy was to me because I'm fat!" You know what

Uh, I missed the part where this was about your weight? Didn't you charge on, anxious and frazzled, bump the guy, want him to move, not acknowledge with a polite "excuse me" or "oops, sorry," verbally confront him and instigate, and then kick his bag?

It sounds as if you were the one who was rude, even according to your OWN ACCOUNT of the confrontation. How old are you that you don't recognize that the adults here can tell that you were the one in the wrong, arriving late to a middle seat, not saying "excuse me," and then proceeding to verbally accost the man who

He was tired and cranky, and he probably would have been in this situation regardless the size of the row-mate, and the author decided to over-react like fuck over the entire situation.

Is it at all possible that he might have been having a bad day too? I mean you say something about having a hangover, but what if this guy's mother just died? It was a 7 am flight, what if he had to drive three hours to the airport to catch the flight? I'm not saying his surliness was right, but it's not his

Sorry Lindy, love ya to bits, but you sound super-duper immature and passive aggressive and like YOU were the one late for the plane, hungover, and getting to your seat after everyone else had sat down. I don't care if you weight 65 pounds soaking wet, all THAT is annoying.

I missed the part about where he said something about your weight.

That was The National Enquirer.

Hey Burt- isn't Examiner a total black hole of journalistic integrity? I hate Lady Gaga, but they regularly publish crap about her without sources (they "reported" her record label lost $25 million promoting her latest album so they were going to lay off a bunch of employees).

I've said it before and I'll say it again: The mom did it.

Hey Rob have you ever seen the Walking Dead? I think it's fair to say that immaterial of how many viewers the show has now ... season 2 and 3 sucked almighty balls because Darabont wasn't there to stop all the ball sucking. Seriously is this article some sort of weird joke? Go watch the fucking pilot again and then

It is for me. I'm a cheap-ass who likes to spend money on his kid instead of clothes.

A baker's dozen as I learned it is 13, not 12.


Ugh, that's kind of embarrassing, really. There's so few points of correspondence between the shapes/ratios getting stuck on the screen and the objects and their composition, it's actually a pretty good argument against the Fibonacci sequence/golden ratio in the film. That first shot says it all - when you have that