Proud of you. +1
Proud of you. +1
Oh? What did he say?
Don’t sell yourself short, you workin’ that look.
If we’re pulling comparisons for Donald Trump from The Producers, I think Hitler is a decent option.
Wacky and Goatface on 730, The Sports Rupture
This is a good joke and you should feel good
I don’t want to sound arrogant, but I am what some call “aggressively average” and I certainly understood the reference.
Outstanding +1
+1 so freaking dumb
Keep your stick on the ice.
And thus, the rest of my day at work was tied up in locating one of these for purchase.
‘Tis what we, colloquially, refer to as “giving him a ribbing;” “kidding around;” “just Joshin’;”etc. He seems like quite a fine fellow! Please also note that I starred the post prior to replying with said attempt at humor, indicating my approval of his effort.
You need friends
I love you
You really are an old, beige guy.
Outstanding. +1