And also for your body.
And also for your body.
yeah well, at least these Jet updates won’t kill anybody
Classic self burn.
He laid out Pat Patriot because that Jets fool can’t maul Steely McBeam.
+1 -Sent from my Blackberry on Cricket Wireless
This patchwork quilt has an unsightly patch. I know, I’ll keep applying new patches until it looks good again. Oh, but now it’s uneven where I did all the patching. I know, I’ll patch all the other patches until it’s even again.
None of these journalists and famous people were wrong to think these kids were snotty, abusive little assholes. They were wrong to promote it nationally and turn it into a big symbolic shaming of teenagers. They are also wrong if in apologizing for the second thing, they suggest that the kids weren’t wrong and were…
I still see a huge group of like 100 kids who could have walked away at any moment
I’m not gonna put them on Breitbart level, but this post, which is ultimately “please ignore everything that happened because this is the story I want to tell and I won’t let reality change that” is a really bad look. It’s legitimately delusional.
There were no winners in that video, but the conscious attempts by people on the left to crucify these kids without making proper reference to everything that led up to it, show their biases, not the kids.
yeah, this is just weird. I’m all for jumping on some MAGA stuff here... but Laura is blatantly ignoring the full video of the events, and asking others to do the same... all for a narrative. Both parties share some blame, but I’m usually gonna put a lot more blame on the adults who actually seemed to be the ones…
This is Laura’s attempt at gaslighting, pure and simple. The extended video shows that Phillips lied repeatedly in his version of events. The kids were minding their own business when the Black Israelites started harassing them. They started chanting to drown it out. Phillips saw the interaction, MISTAKENLY ASSUMED…
“you will see what you want to see here, if you are determined to do so”
Bad dog!!!
Build a wall at the three point line and make Golden State pay for it. Shut down the NBA until they agree to do so.
Yes, yes, that’s the ticket!
This is so tame compared to the time one of the Yes Men got on the BBC, pretended to work for Dow Chemical, and accepted full responsibility for Bhopal.
Seconded. If you want to see the actual ramifications of a disinformation campaign, prank or otherwise, just look at BOPHA.