
I laughed.

I think there’s a chance this is actually Gronk

Robert Griffin LXXXVIIII

On a somewhat related note, some of my Navajo friends and colleagues abstain from attending Cardinal games at the University of Phoenix Stadium because the design of the structure resembles a coiled snake.

Snakes are one group of animals that are thought poorly of in many different Native American tribes. Snakes are associated with violence and revenge in many North American cultures, and rarely with any positive qualities.

Outstanding. Should not be in the grays.

Beat me to it.

Tecmo Super Bowl for NES will always hold a place of honor with me.

I’m sure I’ve seen this before, but today it particularly tickled the ol’ funny bone.

Fahkin’ pussy

+1 brother

Just the way Bartolo does

I laughed aloud.

The article where the helpful police officers got back the items that the careless, thinly-veiled racist tourists left in their car? Yep, you’re probably going to be murdered for beer.


NASAwesome job.

Adequate Man neither adequate nor man

Betty’s got a Denise Richard’s thing going on.

Douglas, you scoundrel. +1