LOL @ Hearthstone ad on the left.
LOL @ Hearthstone ad on the left.
How many cats did you have to chase away from your keyboard to type that?
That's cool. Considering how you made like 20 identical posts to random people, I'm kinda getting a stalker vibe off you, anyways.
Go home, fatty. You're drunk.
What lies do you believe to keep from crying yourself to sleep?
Such pretty delusions.
Shouldn't ITT be more familiar to you as the school where you got your degree?
Well, aren't you a unique snowflake with something original to contribute.
Your name is probably an accurate description if you aren't one of those "types" who separates the world into hots and uggos.
It's adorable that you think I'd have my jimmies ruffled by you calling me adorable.
You're obviously not trying at all.
You're boring as fuck.
ITT: Morons who think the term ITT originated from Reddit.
Because I'm not a fat forever alone pop feminist.
Oh. You have nothing substantive or amusing to contribute.
Because no man, gay or straight, would ever write that sentence.
Hilariously, that's the line that makes it obvious that the post was written by a woman.