
ITT: Feminist somehow feeling empowered by the fact that women structure their self image around how men view their relative attractiveness.

You're right. Fatties are gross and can only be friends/sounding boards and/or cum dumpsters.

ITT: Fatty bragging about being a cum dumpster.

Probably because it's obvious parody to anyone outside the Jezebel/Tumblr social justice bubble.

In this case, the pity train is all full of fat women and there's no room left for anyone else.

Holy cow, if you say that you could stand to lose 50 pounds, that probably means you're over 100 pounds overweight.

Only fatties care, even when a straight white dude says it to rake in mad fatty advertiser money.

>>or, you know... having the money. that helps too with a certain type.

Women deserve love and men are just the empty vessels designed by the Almighty to deliver that love to women.

Really? You want a relationship with a sweaty, blubberous land whale? Who are you kidding?

I always call out those bitches that reject me because I deserve love and who are those shallow hoebags to deny me my birthright!?

I always figured that the next step for House of Cards was to convince everybody that was the kind of person we are better off being ruled by, instead of liberal pussies like on The West Wing...

>>Kevin Spacey looks like he dumped loads of botox in his face.

Yiff in hell, furfag.

You're either with us or you're with the terrorists, Son.

Using Facebook in college is like calling your mom every hour, these days.