Obama really needs to step up his game. How is it that in the 20th century our president can still not figure out that ebola is not only a cause to be concerned but also a national disgrace?
Obama really needs to step up his game. How is it that in the 20th century our president can still not figure out that ebola is not only a cause to be concerned but also a national disgrace?
No, it isn't... You are looking at one side under a microscope and failing to see a bigger picture. There are extremes on both sides doing shitty things. But, being shitty to another person doesn't justify being shitty to someone else. The majority on both sides are reasonable people and are voicing legitimate…
what is at odds with what you wrote is that there are plenty of people saying that gamergate is full of violent women haters and nothing but. This isn't true.
Has Gamer Gate every explicitly condoned threats against female developers and journalists/critics?
No, it's the sense of entitlement that comes from expecting others to do all the heavy lifting for independent research, verification and critical analysis required for a topic they supposedly care about enough to write a long comment on it on a website comments thread, when the facts are readily available at one's…
I don't think restricting anonymity is the solution. Many people have perfectly legit reasons for wanting to be anon in some online circles (I can tell you firsthand it's a boon to shy/socially anxious people), it's just a powerful tool that many people like to abuse because it allows them to be a dickbag…
This is a pretty level-headed analysis on the topic. I wish to side with gamergate, but I'm turned off by some of the shitty tactics that people are putting out there. I want to voice my opinion, but I don't want someone to count me as a supporter to a hate campaign. There is an extremely vocal minority that gets the…
On deadspin we all rag on Peter king for being to close to the NFL and its management. So I'm confused as to why questioning if whether a developer having relations with the people that cover her work isiwrong or not is so touchy. Please illuminate it for me.
Get over yourself. Gamergate isn't going away, and no amount of temper tantrums will change that. The fake feminists thought they could start shit with gamers, and now they're finding out that gamers don't really like being called misogynists and other names just because they ignore and/or ridicule the imbecilic…
I don't even know what to think anymore when it comes to Gamergate. I don't condone any of the personal threats but I think Anita and her ilk are stretching when it comes to being upset and calling games sexist. IMO she is the modern day Jack Thompson, who got skewered by the gaming community as a whole back in the…
Nathan Grayson did write about Depression Quest in RockPaperShotgun. Entire line of thought (100,000 words up there) post-empted.
Oh please. Jezebel regularly has articles drooling over the bodies of male celebrities and athletes. Just happens they're all the same kind of handsome and typically have a lot of muscle and a six pack. I must be missing all the posts saying how hot Jonah Hill's body is. Jez is perpetuating a single male body type…
I'm familiar enough with HamNo's diet and exercise routine to know that he is healthier than most people commenting on this post. So mock him all you want. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, not squatting.
Yes, because your insecurity and narcissism is completely driven by us awful men, and not your constant psychological warfare you play on one another on a daily basis.
wait... did you just say that the fattest nation in the world is working out too much? Only Jezebel.
They'll remake it eventually.
Killerx20 ('the person') probably didn't consider it much of a waste so much as a hobby. You know... doing something you enjoy for the sake of enjoyment or as an homage to something you enjoyed.
He just did a better remake than Square.