
I totally bought some cookie-butter earlier today. Shit is real.

The rice thing has a pretty good rep for good reason. It works well. However, it's best to leave it in as long as possible. If you can go without it a week, that's better than two days and the chances of it working increase.

I'm a guy who is also in the "I have no doubt that (s)he really liked me and this could have been something really great if the timing was better". It's a total bummer. We met and immediately things felt comfortable. At least as comfortable as I've ever felt, but I've never dated someone longer than this person

It is Caturday, after all!

Unsure if we're on the same page. I haven't shared it yet because the link didn't work. If you post a working link I will share it though.

I'll share your post, but the link doesn't work.

Had a girl hit on me yesterday, and I just stood there like a buffoon, haha. I went out by myself to an event in my department that I go to sometimes. She came up to me and commented on my crazy hat and we talked for a very short bit, then she went away because she works there (I didn't know she existed though and

Using up every last little bit of everything always feels so good, haha!

I was going to make ramen (as in real ramen with homemade broth and slices of pork and green onions and bamboo shoots and green beans, not the packaged stuff) but I decided I didn't feel like putting in that much effort. So I opened the fridge and realized I had a bunch of random left over shit. A half can of black

I'm going to take a different angle and say maybe he is really shy. Maybe he has thought the exact same thought as you: "if she were really interested in me she would have talked to me by now". If he is shy he probably digs women who take the reigns (I know I do). I didn't quite follow the very last sentence, but I

The recipe for maintaing friendships is two simple things: compatibility and proximity. The latter is much more important. You need to have things in common and enjoy interacting with someone, but much more importantly you need to be around them a lot. I call it friends by proximity. I'm a senior at a large

Now playing

I don't know if I remember the thread you are mentioning. However, assuming by wordless you mean no vocals at all, I would have posted this, which fits your criteria, in it:

I'm pretty sure you're me.

He had to be going on a long ass jog to need an entire album to drive back to his home.

As a guy, here's my advice: be upfront about it. It sounds like you are okay until a certain point. If you really like someone, and he likes you back, and it's getting to a point where you are starting to feel uncomfortable, just tell him. It doesn't have to be a big deal, just "Hey, I really like you, but

By far the best foodblog (technically it's a website now, but it used to be a blog) I've found is I actually found out about it through GT maybe 8 months ago or so. I've made 20+ recipes off of it and not a single one has been a dud! And not only that, but the recipes are cheap! Plus, the website

I'm going to second the online dating suggestion. I'm a guy and much of what you resembles me to the tee. Seriously, it's very close. I started online dating about 5 months ago. It takes away all the guessing work and rejection isn't super impersonal and easy to handle. When you do get a date you can be confident

Good point! Though, I think what said might still apply. Haha

Lulz. Sounds like someone needed to put on their grown-up pants and deal.