
I live in oregon and I can't walk out of any fast food joint without spending nearly 10 bucks. Perhaps at one point it was cheap, but in my experience it isn't anymore. Without even trying it's definitely cheaper to make my own food. I'm obviously in a place where planning and making my own food is a possibility,

When I was younger (I'm only 23, so basically when I was a little kid) I always thought that wanting kids would be something that happened as I got older and met a bunch of pre-kids criteria. As I've been getting older and closer and closer to that place where I would logistically and financially have them I'm

I forget it's name, and there are probably more than one, but and astronomy professor was telling me in his office hours about a double binary star system (to binaries orbiting each other) with planets orbiting them. I'd like to live a couple days on one of those planets. Those would be some cool sunsets.

You're not screwing anything up. Online dating is just fickle as a pickle.

I'm a dude, but I'm 23, graduated this past summer, and am in basically the same boat. I've been on a couple dates here and there from OKC, but nothing ever seems to go much further than that. I did exactly the same thing with the goal setting and such you talked about. I can even remember a specific moment sitting

I went ahead and deleted the post. I figured that post might have been pushing boundaries of creepiness or call-out-postness anyway.

That was amazing.

I gotta commiserate with you here. I dunno if it's like this on all dating sites, but damn is being "outdoorsy" such a fuckin' buzzword on OKC. I'm not averse to outdoor things, in fact I like most things like that, I just get annoyed at reading about how everybody loves camping and hiking when we all know damn well

That video is moronic, but unfortunately I bet there's plenty of dudes out there getting laid who'd agree with it.

I'm just sneakin a quick peak on my phone here at work, so I'll just quickly say pretty much every line from Galaxy Quest. A personal favorite: "miners not minors."

Haven't ever heard of or tried Red Duck, but it's on my list now. Where can a fellow acquire some?

It's probably order-able if you really care that much. McMenamin's is a PNW group of restaurants/bars/theaters/lodges & things. If you're ever in Oregon or Washington I'd recommend checking one out. I think they're all owned by the same family and it's just a generally awesome establishment. Good food and

I'm not huge on Ketchup, but what I will say is that Heinz shouldn't be the go-to. Being an Oregonian I gotta say that Portland Ketchup Company's ketchup is very good and kind of a completely different thing than Heinz. Heinz has the market kind of cornered because all people really think about when they think

Oregon is awesome, but I'm biased since I'm born n raised. Cheers to you loving it!

"The placebo effect is real"

ehh, if you really want to argue that your expectations don't play a factor in your physical experiences, I suppose you can, but there's lots of evidence that the placebo effect, for whatever reason, happens/ works or whatever .

Thanks, it was obvious they were being weird about it, it just seemed pretty genuine, which irks me. If they are a troll I think they deserve the troll of the month award, lol.

I'm using voice dictation and it should read the milk WAS perfectly fine. It was nonsensical now that I see that. Still pissed about the condescension and insults though.

My mistake, didn't look close enough.

why the personal insults? I'm being honest about my experiences whether you like it or not. In the end, I just don't buy that the expiration date is the end all be all what you can or cannot eat.