
I don't know the specific situation and I have never been in a relationship before, so I don't know the dynamics of this type of thing therein, but I feel that porn can occupy a different space than sex and is not necessarily indicative of anything negative. Maybe I'm crazy, but I know I use porn to help me

If you're looking for somewhere just to hang out and have a good time there is this club called Fat Cat that is great. Its on Christopher Street and 7th ave and is an awesome hang out. Technically its a Jazz Club, but really its just a hang out. Tons of pool and ping pong and shuffleboard tables throughout this big

The very last sentence doesn't matter at all. And platonic relationships could turn into something else, there's no universal rule to say otherwise, but if it's been two years and nothing has happened you're either both very very shy about that or he's not into you. Honestly, it's probably the latter. As far as

Get more sleep? I say that with no snark. The past few months I've been forcing myself to get to bed early so I can get a full 8+ hours of sleep (I'm an early waker no matter when I go to bed so if I go to bed late I don't get much sleep). This has forced me to have less time for myself outside of my other

Not to just make excuses, but I really am that busy. Ever heard of a 125 credit major? That doesn't include another 30-40 for general education requirements... Also, as I said, I'm an introvert. I don't party or drink socially. It's not my cup of tea.

This might sound kinda dumb, but Martha Stuarts current half-hour show is pretty good. Each episode focuses on one technique or type of food and goes through a bunch of different ways to use them. Lots of the recipes are straight forward and quite good.

I went on my very first date ever a couple weeks ago. It went really well; we both had a good time. I asked her on a second and she said she'd love to hang out as friends but that she isn't looking for a relationship right now, which was a bummer, but I'm cool with that. We hung out on Tuesday and it also went

I'm a straight guy and I embrace my love of anal play/penetration!

I've got a quick question about #2. Toasting the spices... as in toasting each in a pan individually before assembling the recipe or throwing them all in hot oil at the very beginning?

Does anyone know a good recipe for Indian yellow chicken curry? I tried making some for the first time today and while the recipe I found online isn't bad, it isn't as good as I was hoping for. There are a couple things I know I'm going to change next time I make it, but if anyone knows of a good recipe they could

Hey guys, I went on my very first date ever earlier today and it went really well. It was fairly short because there was only a small window of time when we were both free but that was ok. I had a good time and she told me she had fun when it was over.

Hey, I am a 22 year old virgin who just went on his very first date ever earlier today. I wasn't ready for dating too, until recently. I have no regrets. My first date went very well and my only goal is to have a good time. It was a big moment for me when I realized what I wanted. After I figured that out I knew

First, this doesn't actually have anything to do with the fact that it is Valentine's day. This shit just happened to coalesce around this date.

I'm just going to quote @Chadea, "once you tell someone how you feel, if they aren't being cognizant of it, they aren't worth your time."

Would lunch be an appropriate activity to substitute for drinks? I'm not really a bar patronizing kinda fellow.


It takes so much less food to keep yourself feeling good when you first start to feel hungry than it does to get full after you've been hungry for a long time. I can live on half the food I'd normally eat if I just eat a little bit every hour. Also, on a related note, sleep when you're tired.

The Man From Nowhere. A great South Korean movie from 2010. Its kinda-sorta similar to Taken but waywayway better. I would highly recommend.

I would try the apology thing because it'll tell you something about him. If he apologizes back, he's probably ok, if not, he's either an asshole or completely unaware of himself.