
First, he might have been rude, but it is not unreasonable to not want to split the check evenly when you'd be getting the short end of the stick. As someone who comes from a well off family who are also extremely frugal I would have done the same thing he did. It is possible that he comes from a not well off family

Dreams. It's universal, like the weather, yet much more personal and fun. Even make one up if someone says something that strikes your fancy. Say something like "That's funny, I just had a weird dream about xyz". In my experience people love talking about dreams.

From the first time I saw the trailer it looked like propaganda to me.

Right there with you. I'm 6'3 too and being able to look a woman in the eyes without looking/bending over is: first, sexy, and second, refreshing. It sounds like such a dick thing to say, but it is hard to take short people seriously sometimes.

Whoa, that's a really tough one. I can't think of any good plan of action for this situation. Sorry for not really being any help...

Who says you can't have fun staying in?

Thanks, this makes me feel a bit less nervous. My plan is to just go over there and have a good time.

I'm already bringing wine. She picked what we're going to make and she already has everything besides some wine. Also, I don't know anything about cooking what she chose for us to make so I'm going to be more like a sous chef than the actual chef. Also, we found out she happens to live in a rental house next-door

Thanks for the advice. I honestly don't think I've got the gumption to bring flowers though. By the time Monday comes around I'll hardly be able to get out my front door I suspect.

I was really surprised when she suggested that. I didn't know what to do because I was scared that if I suggested something more first date-y, like going out for lunch or coffee, that it would out me as possibly misinterpreting all of this. But I don't, and didn't think I am. And yes, we're both in the same

So I met a cool girl on Wednesday. We have known of each other existence for about a year and I had caught her gawking at me a couple times. Nothing happened. Then about 2 months ago we briefly officially met and learned each others names. Then this past Wednesday I happened to be in the right place at the right

In my experience the only thing that really works well to get over someone who you like a lot who doesn't like you is to cut back on contact as much as possible. A few years ago I had to cut this girl completely out of my life because I was so unhappy. I went as far as to delete my Facebook account entirely. I

If it's of any consolation, I'm a guy and I like large labia minora, I think they're super sexy. I have many friends who feel the same way to.

I'd wear that shit and I'd wear it proud!

You're right. No matter the outcome, I'll be a happier person if I do that. Although I'd also really not like to be misinterpreting anything and become that annoying guy who mistook friendliness for interest. That is a pet-peeve of many women right?

I won't. Now that I am fully aware of what is going on with me I know it would be a bad idea. The bummer is I don't see this other person very often and I am less sure if she is into me. Though I really like her.

It's interesting. I do find this girl cute, but I have talked to her enough that I know that she doesn't even qualify in the "friend potential" category. She just isn't that fun. Yet I feel this pretty damn strong desire to date her. Again, just because it's a novel feeling knowing she's interested.

Lately I've been feeling much better about dating. As you probably know by now, it's something I've never done for a whole slew of reasons. I used to feel it was a big deal, asking women out. The few times I ever did I was a bumbling fool and after several failed attempts at really basic courtship I just gave up

Comedy is just the best thing to get yourself in a good place. I don't know what type of funny you find funny but I really like David Cross and Mitch Hedberg. Each have lots of good videos on YouTube. When I need a pick-me-up I always go there first.

What are some tips for asking women out? Not just any tips though, some that are specific to my situation.