
There's a bat-signal on the roof of the Cardeal Arcoverde subway station, in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro.

Chipmunks are nasty little rodents. They stop being cute when they nest in your walls.

All the people on reddit saying to lower the cat's dosage are MEAN. I've been where that cat is, and it is GLORIOUS.

I don't think anyone thinks that one spanking does that. However, what you're doing here is, to make sure you get to spank your kid on the odd occasion when your patience and inventiveness fail, acting as an apologist for people who do in fact regularly abuse their children, as long as they do it in the name of

I uh, think you read the article wrong. Says he argued with her, then SHE punched him. He responded to that with a slap. She ducked out and hopped into his vehicle and crashed it into him, killing him and injuring her.

No, I suggested possibilities. The police say they got into a physical altercation, so there may be more to the story. Everything is awful here.

I'm guessing this wasn't just a date but possibly a threesome, a threesome with a little lady named meth. Lots of meth.

Your guidelines are excellent, but if you have the discipline to maintain them, then you're smart enough to find non-violent penalties that will work just as effectively.

Sorry, way too wishy-washy for me.

Neither of those involve violence or striking your child. And I'd say you probably do timeout out of frustration, I know I do with my toddler. The difference is that time-out is non-violent and doesn't teach my daughter that hitting people is acceptable. A toddler cannot reason like an adult. While you may believe

You didn't answer my question though. Where's the line? You're telling me that some acts of violence toward a child are okay. I get that one is more severe than the other. But say I'm a judge, or a social worker. How do I know whether a given act of parental violence is wrong, or a legitimate parenting technique?

You beat up a 3 year old. Congratulations, but don't expect us to be impressed or think you're doing the right thing. You decided to take your anger out physically on a toddler.

Can you explain this comment? How do you distinguish spanking from beating? I don't understand how you draw that line, and there clearly isn't any consensus on where the line should be drawn, if at all (I know you aren't claiming this, but plenty of people are claiming Peterson was just spanking his kid).

why not in public? if it's not abuse, then there's nothing to hide right?

I would love to see how you can hit someone and have it not be out of anger or frustration. If you weren't frustrated, you wouldn't have hit her.

"Your parents didn't spank you, and you grew up to be "DrunkyMcStubles" all day on Gawker. Bravo."

No, you defended Peterson. I quoted exactly what you said.

You fucked up the "keep your daughter off the pole" reference. Don't blame other people because you are shitty at 20 year old jokes.

Yes, your comments are definitely living proof of, uh, something. Thanks for stopping by!

ironically enough female strippers have a higher than normal rate of physically abusive fathers.