
Somewhere at my mom's I still have my Micronauts Battle Cruiser that fired a couple of different types of missiles. One type was small and really sharp and the other was large and heavy. Either way, someone was getting hurt.

I talked at my dad this morning, literally. I talked and he made croaking noises into the phone that I assume were meant to be words. 40+ years of smoking never affected his throat the way that going to that game did.

Her album Mambo is my favorite example of her insane range. Love her!

No greyhound?

Aw. We had one of those when we lived there! My mom still wishes that we could have brought it back, but shipping would have been a nightmare and my parents didn't have the adventurous spirit of our friends who drove back to the states in the mid-70s in their VW Bus. Apparently Nicaragua was particularly exciting.

YES! Thank you! River of Doubt is one of my favorite books. Let the stalking begin!

Please tell me that someone got a screencap of the US fan dressed as Teddy Roosevelt in Manaus. I want to marry that man!