
I may actually go outside. I'm serious.

That hug is open to interpretation. I watched it and really felt it was an authentically "Oh, shit, I'm celebrating and I'm right in front of a dude who feels like a goat." Tennis players effusively celebrate all the time just feet away from their opponents. And then a moment later offer genuine handshakes and hugs to

both. and you better believe I celebrated like we beat UT. and I dont give a fuck.

I think we can all agree the only dicks in this whole ordeal is DEADSPIN for lampooning a 20 year old college football player whose only crime is feeling sympathy for his opponent.


Looks like he was gloating, then he imagined his grandmother yelling at him for being a dick to someone else and decided to console the kicker.

Doubtful. Butler seems like an honest to goodness good guy from all interactions I've had with him in person and from interviews. I would bet that he legitimately felt bad and wasn't even thinking about how dickish this might appear.

I don't know...that player looked like he was about to celebrate and then saw the kicker and thought "Aw damn, he probably needs a hug"

Holy crap I'm dumb. I swear I read that five times and my brain just corrected it automatically every time. Thanks!

I didn't know just how hungover I was until it took me a solid 5 minutes to figure out the typo.

There should be some mention that another Chiefs player, Mike Catapano, has had an illness for months that (at least based on the teams reports) they literally have no idea what it is. WTF

Listen, last month you overhauled your entire comment system to prevent people from posting stomach-churning images of overweight whores shoveling a bunch of diarrhea into their mouths, and now you're doing it yourselves? Make up your mind!

Nixon was a lawyer.

"The is an independent investigation. We have not hand selected the investigation team. Here is a summary of their resume."

I'll take, "The Two Owners Most Likely To Carry Roger Goodell and the NFL Shield's Water" for $1000 please, Samer.

Nothing screams independence like having two of Goodell's biggest water carriers oversea the investigation. Were Peter King and Florio unavailable?

Nothing says "this sexual assault investigation will be handled well" like the putting the Steelers in charge of "oversight." Holy shit, you guys. You fuck up even when you're trying not to!

Form a committee, have some meetings, start a nice long investigation ———————————

Yo, let me save you a little of your precious time, Mr. Mueller III.

"Now that the last hard drives have sunken to the bottom of the East River, we're pleased to welcome the inquiry of former FBI Director Mueller."