
Oh thank God, finally someone who will get us timely and effective solutions to our problems.


"I'm not being defensive. You're the one who's being defensive."

Pictured: Roger Goodell

GOODELL: "I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue."

NFL on line 1.....


Goodell: As I've maintained all along, no one from the National Forensics League saw this video until this week.

BREAKING: the NFL has hastily and retroactively promoted Cardinals linebacker John Abraham to executive.

Actually the novel is the Roadside Picnic

It's not actually video. It's a series of many, many still pictures taken by a very skilled photographer. Here's an article with some details about how he makes these http://www.kansascity.com/living/star-ma…

Bonus Fun Fact: You can still see bullet holes in the marble in some places today.

Independence Ave is where the streetwalking prostitutes can be found.

i was to @Skyfire and the thing is i live right there under were it passed by rosedale arch :(((( it was scary, and great work takeing the time lapse.

local legend is that the Kansas City Power & Light Building was the inspiration for Dana Barrett's residence in Ghostbusters. here's the KCPL Building (also seen in the video above)

It was a pants-crappingly terrifying cloud. Here it is more or less covering Fairfax, Kansas City Kansas (photo taken from Wheeler Downtown Airport in Missouri):

Your comment is funny because that used to be (maybe still is?) a well-known meeting spot for anonymous gay sex.

Tell me I wasn't the only one thinking of this: