
A Wash is when the most loved character in a series with a cult following is getting a victory lap, after a harrowing escape and is impaled by a Reaver spike.

I don’t get what people still like about it. I dropped it mid-season 5 because it got boring AF and it felt like they were just treading water all the time. Z-Nation is much more fun, at least stuff happens.

It must be a very stress-free existence to see everything as monolithic groups, no? If you don’t have to consider context or differences or nuance, then everything becomes simple. Black and white. Good and evil. Us and them.

Your tax dollars at work/not working.

Want to slow down piracy (youll never stop it) is to price your games reasonably, release actual finished games, dont add in microtransactions. Basically dont fuck your paying customers. We pirates (yup me too) fuck you because you fuck us. Why is 1/2 my gaming collection paid and why is 1/2 pirated. WHen you start

Hi, I’m not American. I was born in Europe and my parents are from the Caribbean. Despite the fact that racism is endemic where I live, I’d still rather live here than the USA. I’d be scared for the lives of my brother and son if we lived there.

Now playing

We (black people) are called monkeys and then I go onto Youtube and there white people are “coo, coo-ing” over the cute monkeys in the zoo or in the jungle. They can’t make their minds up. Black people are like monkeys so they hate us and at the same time, they say monkeys are cute. Go figure.

Coming: paid building texture packs.

Just charge me $80 for a game and get rid of loot crates and micro-transactions. Save the DLC for the proper sequel. Also, stop putting game content behind pre-orders.

I don’t know. I’m just really much more interested in what the game designers original vision was for Glitch Simulator 2018 is. I think I’ll stick with it.

You forgot Westwood Studios. Never Forget, Never Forgive.

“Our Visceral studio has been developing an action-adventure title set in the Star Wars universe,” EA’s Patrick Söderlund said. “In its current form, it was shaping up to be a story-based, linear adventure game. Throughout the development process, we have been testing the game concept with players, listening to the

Dead Space 3 bombed

They killed Dead Space with their stupid micro-transactions, and now we will probably never see a new game from that franchise.