
The problem is RENTIERS!!!

You’re right, and I agree with you.
I was confusing social propaganda and ‘classified information’ with the traditional method of restricting knowledge to, as you say, ‘the worthy’.

I’d counter that they are actually anti-science, because they’re thoroughly anti-education.
You can’t keep the negroes and the serfs and the proles and the workers in line if they’re aware that they have options.


My ‘recent video’ was some auto-playing thing called ‘adventures with an 11-year old ThinkPad.’

At some point, as a species, we’re seriously going to have to sit down over a pint of Guinness and talk about how we’re just going to stop inventing better ways to kill large amounts of people.


[Scene] : The bridge of The Federation Starship ‘Fucked-Up Fucking Fucked Fucker’.

I can imagine him issuing one last croaky old squeak before instantly turtleing into his shell, slipping under everyone’s legs and hustling his bony old arse towards the nearest sewer grate.

‘Barbarian’. That term invented to describe foreigners by the ‘civilised’ Hellenics who were barely better than than Washington’s America.

He believes himself to be a pharoah. He is a god and you are literally nothing.

While the idea of a stellar object smiting down a walking human turd like McConnell is gratifying, it’s also unrealistic and to be honest with you, relies too much on the arbitration of ‘higher powers’.Which is to say, it’s like betting on Jesus to actually show up and do his fucking job.

In His Entire Life On The Planet Earth, The Human / Reptile Hybrid Known As Mitch McConnell Has Given Us A Thousand Reasons To Despise Him.

Dear io9 readers.

If only I could give you more than one star.

I once worked in a media company, c.2000, whose workforce was 60/40 men to women. We had a young woman receptionist who somehow had the power to scare the life out of anyone who approached her.
She looked like an angry blonde Susan Sto-Helit (with Medusa’s snakes, in our imaginations) and she had total control over

As an Irishman and therefore a citizen of a Republic, I can’t imagine my body even feeling like it passed a shit on behalf of a bloated Monarchist whose only claim to fame is this story.

Apart from punishments relating to any legal actions taken against him, it’s likely that Lauer won’t suffer at all from any of this.

In the next 10 - 20 years, expect many governments to go cashless. South Korea has already announced that it wants to go cashless.