
More dancing, less CGI world destroying.

They’re not anti-science. They’re just pro-profit, so as a consequence they are anti-anything that undermines profits. The best evidence of this is steadily ballooning investments into weapons development (Steal from the poor to pay the rich! Use the tax payers’ dollars to fund it all!). The thing is, for any type of

Convince the President the railgun is powered by coal and it’ll be right back on track.

Guys, stop putting “Recent Video” in the middle of stories.

You’ve seen pictures of the tacky, gaudy shithole that is DonaldTrump’s NYC apartment; the one that he’s so proud of? Do you think he’s capable of knowing what beauty is?

Nice! Can they make autoplay embedded videos come to an end next?

Exactly. An asteroid would be a freak incident. Turtleface deserves to die at gunpoint so that everybody knows he paid for his disgusting behaviour, lies and ammoralness. Ideally with his squeak of death on camera. Just dont aim for the head, he might tuck it in.

I would like an asteroid to vaporize this man.

I finally fully understood an entire Life In Agro comic! Thank you 50% off sale of Persona 5 on PSN. D:

Once I mentioned to a U.S. citizen that I was a republican, and he stared and said “how? You’re Canadian.” Yes, he was a university graduate, in economics, I think. Not sure how characteristic he was of the country at large.

Dodai Is Leaving the Office

It’s the end of an era. Today is Dodai Stewart’s last day as Editor-in-Chief of Splinter. She leaves the site and

“Non-Traditional Workplace Agreement”

Because mass-tattooing of people has been so great in the past.

He’s still got it where it counts.


If you’re an RN, no, you’re not qualified for that line of work, because you have a conscience and actually care about human beings. That there’s two strikes against ye....

Sure! Not caring about women as human beings allows you to walk on their backs to achieve greater heights, and then throw them away with impunity because “everyone knows bitches be lyin”. And having that sense of entitlement to women’s lives & bodies means you never feel (or are never MADE to feel) like you’ve done

I guess Judge Roy Moore isn’t on the list because running an ice cream truck doesn’t net you much money.