
She also gave the best speech about music piracy ever.

I remember when the cheating was really bad. It took a while to find a “clean” server to play on, with proactive admins.

The only thing that “must die” is Windows....

Which one has the most lawsuits at the moment against it?

Could be. I think these are right there with it.


This reminds me so much of the bullshit that went on in Iraq during G.W.’s regime. If you protested the war you were supporting the terrorists and “insulting our troops”, but the fucking administration (and their Republican allies) were perfectly fine sending our boys out with shitty body armor and unarmored vehicles

Just in case this didn’t crop up here before now.


I still can’t believe we live in a time where mountains of irrefutable evidence of the kind of horror and barbarism that came as a direct result of nazism can exist, and people can look at it, actively deny it, do absolutely nothing about the ideology’s resurgence, or worse, suggest it’s an ideology worth protecting.


“why are durians smelly?” “Because, and maybe because genes.”

When I was a kid, I used to wonder, “What does ESPN stand for?”

Well...as a dude, I know I’ve made my share of blunders. Most times, someone has called me out when I did. I try to take it to heart, own up, apologize if called for, and move on. Hopefully, people realize I fucked up momentarily but generally I’m ok. What else can you do but call people to account, right?

We have plenty of similarities, then — also did time as an Army wife (in Fort Polk, wheee) and now live in North Idaho. I direct an educational outreach program serving students in a rural mining area and had to reassign one of my outreach staff to a different school because the principal didn’t think a woman could do

I grew up in rural Alabama and Georgia, spent some time as an army wife, and now I live in rural Virginia, and I feel you so hard about just wanting to come here and chill with friends in the virtual bar, without having to deal with the booth full of drunk guys in the corner. This bar is cool and I love it here...but

A thread last night ended up turning into a long conversation about the men commenters of Jez. And without being quite sure what to say or how to say it, and definitely without meaning to speak for anyone else, here goes: