
I assumed she was welding something just out of frame.

That’s a very simplistic view of life. I can’t speak to this particular couple’s relationship, but sometimes you just love who you love. My sister is 24, and engaged to a man who is 46. Sure, he’s almost twice her age, but he’s also in good physical shape, he’s smart, he’s kind, he has a good career, and he treats her

I try to not be judgemental (sic) about people’s life choices, but ...

My, all these people trying hard not be judgmental.

It doesn’t sound like you’re trying that hard not to be judgmental of people’s life choices.

Being sanctimonious about other people’s personal lives? Ew.

She’s a grownass woman, it’s not like he was sexualizing a child. this doesn’t say anything about the “societal values of women”. She’s a goddamn consenting adult and this comment is so paternalistic.

I am a fool who cannot read.

People who enjoy making blanket judgements about people based on their personal lives which honestly doesn’t and should not affect them in any way shape or form is sanctimonious and pathetic. I’m disturbed about what this says about our societal values when so many people enjoy armchair criticism about others’

It doesn’t seem you are trying all that hard not to be judgmental? I don’t know about this couple, but I once was with someone who was 22 (and a half) years older. We had a lot in common—we shared the same values, liked lots of the same music, both loved reading and writing, enjoyed gardening together. We were both

If you’re going to go through the trouble of adding the accent on the “e,” you might as well spell the whole thing right: papier mâché

You’re the one ‘sexualizing’ here, AND being judgmental. They make a cute couple!

I’d be afraid all of my old lovers would come rushing out of the woodwork to exclaim “Yeah, I tapped that” like a college fratbro.*

The woman made a choice to marry him, and she is an adult who can make her own decisions. Why aren’t you too disturbed by that? How can somebody who is 31 find someone who is 60 sexually attractive? This isn’t Saudi Arabia where a 60 year old man marries a 16 year old girl and the girl has no saying in it.

She seems like a BAMF. I trust her judgment.

I’m gonna be that gross pedant who pipes up to say it’s papier, not paper, mâché.

Or a very entertaining and fun celebrity.

It IS current. It’s a college project she finished this spring: “Hunt created the works this spring for her senior thesis in studio art.”

I couldn’t be a politician’s wife. The press would have a field day with my “I am all out of fucks to give.”