how in the fuck are we failing our youth so bad that they think they can go around fucking killing each other for saying no
how in the fuck are we failing our youth so bad that they think they can go around fucking killing each other for saying no
A majority of them will not have served a day in the military, so of course they are experts.
The way this all blew up in Duncan Hunter’s face is absolutely delicious.
Actually, I think a bunch are going to be gloating and saying “Well, you got what you want, feminazis, hurr durr.” I think they’ll view this as some sort of “punishment” for women being asked to be treated fairly in the military.
Rep. Duncan Hunter of California intended it as “gotcha amendment,” because he didn’t think liberals would vote to draft women.
Yeah, but you know that new law would have a whole bunch of farm subsidies stuffed into it.
And they’ll be the exact same ones who’ve bitched about the fact that women weren’t drafted.
I’m agnostic on the draft itself, but if we are going to have it then all citizens who are fit to serve should be required to register.
He was trying to make some sort of curious point about how Democrats don’t really support integrating women into the military, specifically into combat roles.
You know what would be useful? A new law that says every new piece of legislation be presented as a single, concise issue, every ounce of pork and sneaky verbiage eliminated. You want to vote to draft women? Great, but don’t include something about Guantanamo in there.
The way this all blew up in Duncan Hunter’s face is absolutely delicious.
I have mixed feelings about this, but they are mostly about the existence of the draft itself, not about who registers.
You are basically asking her to title this “I was legitmately raped.” You want the headline to assure the reader that this was an acceptable abortion, not one of those bad abortions by bad people. Your judgement is one of the problems we are having around abortion.
yes. also, miscarriages are often called natural or spontaneous abortions. imo, we should use the a word as much as possible.
ah, well. you’re going to continue to get piled on because most people, having finished this powerful, affecting story, are feeling very raw. Your comment, which is right up at the top, appears small-minded and cruel. I know that’s not what you meant but it’s just how it comes across to many people. In your shoes, I’d…
It’s also up to medical professionals what word is accurate for a medical procedure. We just like to dance around it because we are afraid of the word “abortion”.
This feeds the incredibly damaging narrative of “Good abortions vs. Bad abortions.” The whole point is that women should be allowed to access health care without having to prove they deserve it. The headlines isn’t click bait but it raises an interesting question : who are you to decide her decision oy to remain…
I... would actually be willing to try that.
And that’s the reason why women make 74 cents on the dollar